Forum Post: A Message to all at Occupy WallSt. in hopes someone understands
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 3:04 a.m. EST by louisenri
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This is a personal message from an American to all of those who are protesting the rights of millions of Americans at Occupy Wall Street. I don't know if they will be able to read it - but this group has enough followers that SOMEHOW, it should reach those in NYC sleeping out in tents. I had to break the message into parts because Facebook does not allow more than 1000 characters. Please read and consider:
One of the biggest problems the Occupy Wall Street Movement is currently facing is that there is a large group of people being easily swayed by the media (Fox, CNN, among others) to join them in ridiculing the protests. There was one thing Erin Burnett from CNN pointed out in her segment last night; something which I have noticed has been mentioned along the net in the last couple of days that is very true. And that is that MANY of those out there protesting do not have a clear statement of WHAT THEY WANT. There are a few who have a very strong statement about what they are fighting for, and that is a great thing. But I can only suggest - since I do not know how things are going up there for all of you - that all of those involved should take short moments of the day to educate each other and come up with a clear message of what it is you are protesting for, and not just what you are protesting against. Some people are saying some things; others are saying others. You must understand that even the little they have edited and presented on the news through both the web and television of those people who do not know what they are talking about, is having a detrimental effect on the incredible statements that are being made by others both here, on Twitter, and on a few blogs and video blogs. These unaware protesters are being presented as clownish and completely far from serious, even in the definition of a peaceful protest. The United States is waking up little by little to your ongoing presence and your endurance on these protests. But those at Occupy Wall Street must come together not just in presence, but in mental spirit - YOU MUST THINK AS ONE! The rest; the 99% will only be able to follow you in equally strong support if you begin to not just be there as a large group of people, but to think and act as one group; ONE UNIT - and not as scattered individuals. Think about it for yourselves. When America is ready, and there are thousands more gathered in the major cities of our country, we will unite.
We must become, not just a group of scattered denizens across a continent with vague ideas and thoughts, but ONE AMERICA with ONE STATEMENT; ONE THOUGHT.
I hope my thoughts reach out to those protesting in NY. But this is for all of us across the country. If we are the 99%, then we must unite even stronger than the 1% have, since they have had 30 years to do so, but we don't have that much time - it must happen NOW. We must all become educated about the matters we are so fervently protesting so that we can send forward ONE message.
This Wallstreet Protester Says It All
And we need many more who can clearly state those views he spoke of so clearly.
This Wallstreet Protester Says It All
I suggest that ONE message is to get the 1% that every one is talking about out of government. The simplest and easiest way to do that is to remove the money. ONE message ONE petition. NO MORE CONTRIBUTIONS PERIOD. Our elected representatives will have to have a conscious objective to represent the people and not go chasing dollars and doing favors. It's amazing what you can do without the MONEY.
you wanna go here buddy
If these are the "official" demands, then flyers need to be made and handed to everyone to read, and learn. We have to stop giving the media more meat to feed the masses. At the very least start informing the occupants of something simple and sweet to say like "we want our country back"
Exactly, Jason. That is a great idea.
I posted it on the Facebook group, but it didn't seem to go through entirely; for obvious reasons.