Forum Post: A Message from Earth to the Heart of Wall St
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 3:29 a.m. EST by ThouArtThat
from San Francisco, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
A Message to the Heart of Wall St.:
A message to the heart of Wall St.:
To the bankers, the executives, the shareholders, and the politicians,
I do not want my money back.
I will gladly give to Caesar what is Caesar's.
I only want what is the earth's, what is the sky's, what is unowned and unownable.
I did not invest in a university with the expectation of a corporate job-- I invested in the vitality of the universe and the beauty of the earth community.
I want back what was never for sale; what was a gift to each and all of us and can never be taken away. Earth cannot be mortgaged.
I am an earthling-- we are earthlings-- and we want our home back.
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