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Forum Post: A matter of tactics.

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 7, 2011, 10:47 p.m. EST by PRJ (115)
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What of repatriation/reclamation of dormant property?



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[-] 1 points by PRJ (115) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by PRJ (115) 13 years ago

You can grow a garden and send your kids to a good school.

[-] 1 points by PRJ (115) 13 years ago

If you got your friends a fellow protestors/revolutionaries in the same area. Then when time for eviction came you could band together and block the evictions. If I were to occupy a house I would look into it and using the moral justification provided by recent digressions -stick it to the banks by finding foreclosures to live in. I wouldn't want to give justification for anger that occupying regular peoples property bring.

[-] 1 points by PRJ (115) 13 years ago

Then When I moved into the neighborhood I would invite some people to live with me. Together we could live in a hierarchy free household full of direct democracy and all of those things we talk about. Imagine that to live it!

[-] 1 points by PRJ (115) 13 years ago

Then we could get together with all our friends in the neighborhood and we would fix the park better than any government ever could. We could fix the houses and even patch up the potholes.

[-] 1 points by PRJ (115) 13 years ago

Maybe we could teach our kids together. Maybe we could do all sorts of stuff. Occupy has all of these supporters. It would be really neat if we did say to hell with all these rules and did what was actually right for once. We could work on getting the laws changed while they try to find us all.

[-] 1 points by PRJ (115) 13 years ago

We have to prove that we are serious but it is almost impossible to live sustainable without a place to do it. All these big green lawns should be growing food. We could do this if it weren't for the stupid laws. Thousands of homeless in a country with thousands of empty homes. It really is crazy.

[-] 1 points by PRJ (115) 13 years ago

We could do all sorts of stuff and we could live kinda free and we could take the time and we all could experiment on how to proceed. It would be really hard to find us all. We could always have a place to move lined up before we are ever evicted. We could have block parties!

[-] 1 points by PRJ (115) 13 years ago

Hmm it would be a really big undertaking... we would have to be prepared for anything and we would have to work together. We would have to know what is going on around us and we would have to have contingency plans too. But it would be the best hope we have to win the hearts of the rest of the people. If we can be good neighbors and go the extra mile we might be able to get some people on our side that wouldn't otherwise.

[-] 1 points by PRJ (115) 13 years ago

Sheeeiiitttt- beats the hell out of sleeping in a tent.

[-] 1 points by PRJ (115) 13 years ago

The first duty of a revolutionary is to get away with it. Abbie Hoffman

[-] 1 points by PRJ (115) 13 years ago

If I fancied myself a revolutionary this is how I would go about it. From within.

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

Heh Heh. Hell of a way to bump your own thread. Check out this link:


[-] 1 points by PRJ (115) 13 years ago

Why thank you, very much.


[-] 1 points by PRJ (115) 13 years ago

Which founding father they didn't really all think the same thing. The declaration and the constitution were a hotly contested compromise. Anyway I am not specifically interested outright destruction of the government or anything but rather for the people to assert their natural rights and reform the system if necessary or better yet obsoleting it. Best case scenario is an evolution of society and hierarchy.