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Forum Post: A March of Suits...A Suggestion

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 5:11 p.m. EST by LaObserver (8)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

A lot of people have dismissed the OWS protests/ the protestors themselves because the vast majority of them take to the streets looking like dirty hippies (no offense). It's easy for police to pick out the protestors simply by their appearance. Now don't get me wrong. I'm all for freedom of expression and the like, but I have an idea to float by you all: a march of suits.

Take to Wall Street in business attire. I'm talking suits, jackets, briefcases if you have them. Dress as though you were going in for an interview. March over there without the drums, without the bagpipes and stand outside their doors. Blend in with the big cheeses coming in and out. When was the last time you saw a cop taking down someone in a suit?

You're the unemployed / underemployed masses. You're smart, educated, hard working individuals who just want to make a living. Show the people on Wall Street that you can be just like them (it's scarier for them that way).

See what happens.



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[-] 1 points by MattE (74) 13 years ago

I'm all for this.

[-] 1 points by LaObserver (8) 13 years ago

Someone else just proposed 'Dress up Fridays'.

[-] 1 points by rroll1951 (29) 13 years ago

in 1968 we called it CLEAN FOR GENE {MCCARTHY.}..it worked !