Forum Post: A list of grievances with OWS
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 1:26 p.m. EST by Doog
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Here is a list of grievances against Occupy Wall Street compiled autonomously by myself. This is in no way an indictment of the individuals involved, but rather a critique of the systems as they stand. We are hoarding money, food, clothing, and shelter. We have instituted a bureaucracy that controls the flow of resources in a way that has created a hierarchy. There is limited transparency and accountability within the working groups. All of the money is concentrated in one working group, Finance, who have far too much power. We intentionally seek to control the flow of information to spin the truth. We are acting out of fear for our survival rather than out of love and a passion for truth. The consensus process is oppressive and elitist in that it marginalizes those who do not possess the esoteric knowledge of this process; this has led to a concentration of power and a ruling class. We cannot insure the safety of the individuals within our community. I encourage all members of our community to compile their own lists of grievances and discuss them. I believe that most of us here have the best intentions, but there is a fundamental flaw in our current approach. That which is truly revolutionary is a momentary occurrence that shakes the very foundations of consensus reality thereby creating change. When order reforms after such an occurrence the same problems inevitably arise. Whatever we do we must not try to capitalize on this recent moment of revolution, but rather aim to be agents of change through an inner commitment to truth.
Not sure what you expected? This is a headless movement - which doesn't mean that people will stop being people. It just means the movement has no acting body with the authority or will to maintain discipline.
Seriously, ask yourself: who are you addressing these grievances to?
This is the "strategy" you all chose. Live and die by it.
Maybe they should be directed to "finance," which seems to be running this stuff and controlling resources. Who decided which individuals are in charge of "finance?"
I keep wondering if there are way more government plants in this movement than one would suspect... It seems like it's imploding from inner turmoil, which is a sure sign of the presence of operators. Wish there were something to do about it, but once you've got that cancer in there, you can forget it.
No, wait, what?
It's not a sure sign of "operators," it's only a sure sign that human nature is not comprised of 100% purified nobility. We are also tribal creatures, and so long as we expend no effort in consciously choosing between our baser and better instincts, we have no need of malignant external superspies to undermine our ideals.
Being human is a struggle. Remember that.
And part of that struggle is facing the fact that we often don't live up to our ideals. Rationalizing them away, or blaming them on some nebulous Other is not a struggle.
You can choose between a) accepting those weaknesses - and the erosion of solidarity they create, or b) addressing those weaknesses - and facing up to the fact that our ideals are inherently greater than we are.
I think you're minimizing the direct influence plants have on progressive movements. There is a really serious history of this in ALL progressive movements, and it's only intensified since the patriot act passed. The tendency is for plants to create drama and division through whatever means are necessary. I'm not saying that the protesters aren't human, but they should be vigilant about this and aware of the possibility that those who are creating problems and confusion could very well be plants.
No, I'm just pointing to the role we play in undermining our own goals. Pointing to subversives is tired. Get it? There's a reason why we took it as a joke when Iran pointed that song at the Green movement. Iran's theocratic regime created its own problems. It's just as much of a joke when we point it at "operatives" now. Occupy created its own problems. No doubt "operatives" have been eager to undermine you, but once they got to the park it wouldn't have taken ten minutes for them to realize their work was done for them.
Why weren't you prepared when the cops came by and took your generators? You think that's some paid hack's fault? What, you were relying on a paid hack to plan for that contingency, and he let you down? Why don't you have transparent and accountable finances? You think it's because a couple of paid hacks have the ATM cards, and a couple other paid hacks aren't demanding accountability? What role do non-paid hacks play in this? Any? It's like this movement consist entirely of corporate operatives and two homeless dudes? Is the lack of planning and organization because some paid hacks aren't planning or organizing for you?
See, I'm not saying the paid hacks aren't there. I'm saying they didn't cause your problems, they're just trying to exploit them. One day, when Occupy grows up, you might actually leave something for operatives to exploit. Then you can start pointing fingers. Right now, you're not even giving them the chance to fuck with you.
It hurts me so much, but it has occurred to me that some of my new friends are probably plants.
As I understand it all work groups are volunteer and therefore anyone can put themselves in finance. I don't know those who are volunteering there yet. It's on the list of things to do, but it's a pretty long list!
I'm addressing them to myself and accepting accountability for my actions.
This will answer all your questions:
Welcome to government.
A child is destined to repeat the mistakes that they were taught. How can one really expect OWS to devise a governmental system any different than the one they grew up with?
I agree. However, I still think revolution is absolutely necessary. A revolution, in a revolution, in a revolution, in a revolution, every second.
As is normal human behavior, we have created what we wanted to destroy
It is both sad and funny at the same time!
and you probably don't even see the lobbying (i.e. personal arrangements) and power grabs (i.e. the better stuff tents,etc) that are going on behind the scenes. I'm guessing you can pick out who would be in the 1% given the chance.
I actually have seen that, and honestly participated in it myself. I feel pretty awful about everything right now. I had to leave the park to clear my head.
Reading a bit of the history of the Chinese Revolution in the 20's would be very insightful. As Napoleon said in "Animal Farm", all animals are equal, just some are more equal than others. "Animal Farm", "Lord of the Flies", "Through the Heavenly Gate" all good books that describe this behavior.
Very true. I actually discussed Animal Farm with some fellows last night. After seeing this happen I'm going to have to reread it.
just make sure you are one of the "more equal" ones... LOL The reason the book has lasted and is required reading is more because it is true that it is really good literature.
Don't feel bad.
It's innate. This is why I've espoused the idea of removing money from politics and enforcing a stricter accountability for tax dollars from our government.
This is the natural progression of unchecked government. All the people that have espoused higher taxes and more government need to watch this microcosm play out. It's a dangerous play to allow that much power to concentrate at the hands of government. It will, by the very nature of it's being, become corrupt and self-serving.
That isn't to say there isn't a place for regulation and government intervention -- we just have to understand that political greed is very similar to economic greed.
I'm torn between leaving altogether, continuing to feed people, or creating an internal investigations work group.
Maybe start small income-sharing "pods" within the park and demand an equal share of funds per person. Having a few people - who may or may not be responsible and/or honest - in charge of hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations is a horrible idea. I lived in a community once where one woman was in charge of paying the bills and buying the supplies/food, and in the end she stole almost all the money we had in the bank and left the state.
Don't give up on the movement because the people are incapable of sustaining or creating a working government spontaneously.
This is why this movement needs focus. It can solidify what is trying to be accomplished.
Right now, the movement is seeing, in microcosm, the same things that the government is experiencing. The same reasons our federal government is inefficient is the same inefficiencies of the GA. The power grabbing is part of human nature. This is my one issue with a lot of liberal thought -- this idea that the government can somehow efficiently handle all these programs and money and power ... and do so benevolently. It's a scary proposition.
Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss!