Forum Post: a list of demands
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 6:23 p.m. EST by ponogood
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
1) End the Fed 2) Prosecute the financial criminals and claw back their gains 3) Break up the TBTF, let their bondholders take the losses, and let them go through standard bankruptcy 4) Fight back against the NWO and the global banking cartel 5) Repeal the Patriot Acts; repeal the Dept of Homeland Security; stop the "legal" groping of children by thugs at airports. 6) End the Empire 7) End the resource wars 8) Throw the corrupt politicians out of office (90+%) 9) End corporate influence in elected politics 10) Throw the tax code in the trash heap. 11) Stop assisting multinationals to off shore American manufacturing.