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Forum Post: A Letter To My Senator

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 8:50 p.m. EST by Shamus27 (84)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement


I got your email today with your reply concerning Solyndra Solar Energy going bust. (See your email below)

Do you have a plan to subsidize the Solar Energy Industry here in the US.

Last year China spent $54 Billion and Germany spent $48 Billion investing in their respective solar energy industries. Germany is currently #1 and China is #2 in this field in the WORLD.

The reason Solyndra when under is because they could not compete with china, there was no crime involved. The program you mentioned was actually started under the Bush administration. I hope you pan to investigate those folks as well.

Anyway, "Peak Oil" is not a myth. We need energy alternatives. (I won't even waste my time talking to a Republican about global warming)

As stated, Germany & China are world leaders in this field and have created thousands of jobs in the solar energy industry in their respective countries.

What is you position on this. Do you want to create solar industry JOBS in the US and if so, how, what is you plan to make solar energy in the US competitive on a global scale. We not only need to sell solar products here in the US but on the global market as well? Solar energy is not going away, the only question the US needs to answer is will we have a part of that industry.



I know you get a lot of oil money but you need to start thinking about what is best for Americas job growth and its economic future as well as the planet.

The US uses about 24% of the worlds oil and produces only about 3%. In addition to that if we got all of the oil from off shore drilling we would only be adding about an additional 2-3% of what we use with out adding very many jobs. Even that oil would be sold on a global market, not strictly in the US. That being said the oil companies would benefit from the PROFITS but not the American people.

According to the IEA (International Energy Agency) peak global oil production of crude oil occurred in 2006 at 70 million barrels a day. Add to that peak growth in India, China, and the rest of the global economy and the price of oil will go over $150.00/barrel. As Mr. Bernanke stated in a November 2010 speech; "in the second quarter alone, the aggregate real output in the emerging economies was 41 percent higher than in the beginning of 2005.(41% increase in growth in 1 year alone) China's aggregate output was 70% higher & India's was 55% higher." We are simply going to run out of oil, quit lying to the public and tell them the truth.

As you know oil is used in everything from cement, to construction materials, to plastics, to pharmaceuticals products, packaging, fertilizers, you name it. When oil reaches $150.00 a barrel, (which it will easily do when normal growth is restored) everything will become so expensive the economy will stall out again. It is an end sum game. Oil is in its sunset phase.

Even if we attempted to get all of the oil from all of the known reserves in the world the technology required to do it would cost about 8 TRILLION dollars which is not economically feasible.

Quit sending me BS, if you want to debate the least you can do is be honest.

For future reference, in your email you addressed me as "Dear Friend." My name is Mr. Allen, and I am not your friend, let alone your dear.


Begin forwarded message:

From: "Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison" Date: October 19, 2011 1:58:54 PM CDT To: Mr.A Subject: Constituent Response From Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison



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