Forum Post: A great paper written by my girlfriend for school
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 3, 2011, 11:47 p.m. EST by francorivera3
from Bloomfield, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Note: This is not representative of the movement and is not a demand. Step 1: Identify the Problem Our currently seated government officials fail to meet obligations to Americans mandated by the Constitution, but instead represent the admirations and goals of corporate greed. Step 2: Identifying Decision Criteria •Supreme court overturns ban that allows corporations the right to contribute to political campaigns. •Democrats and Republicans continually create legislation that favors corporations well invested in political campaigns. •For over 30yrs, 400 families of the United States saw their income grow 300% while the bottom 20% of Americans only seen a growth of 18%. •Corporate taxes are 35% but they receive the greatest amount of subsidies while maintaining record profits and executive bonuses. •Nearly 48 Goldman Sachs former employees or affiliates have served in high-level government positions. Step 3: Allocating Weights to the Criteria 1.Public census must be no less then 90%. 2.Cannot be constitutionally unlawful. 3.Cannot impede economic growth. 4.Cannot be temporary in nature 5.Must eliminate unethical behavior in both politics and industry. 6.Must be a fair and balanced approached. Step 4: Developing Alternatives First a constitutional amendment must place a term on the House of Representatives. Secondly eliminate corporate campaign contribution. Tax code is over 3.8 million words and grows annually 4.1%, this code must be completely removed and rewritten. Regulatory committees must be held to a higher standard, i.e. both Senate and House Committees on Ethics, and the Securities and Exchange Commission. For the sake of argument there must be a minimum of two alternatives so that a accurate and informed decision can be made. A second alternative is to effectively do nothing until the elections in 2012. Step 5: Analyzing the Alternatives By making a constitutional amendment to only the House of Representatives for term limits it will allow for a truly “representative” government actually made of the people representing their communities. Of course in every equation there must be a constant and while both the Office of the President and the House of Representatives will be termed one group would need to keep some type of continuity, and this of course would be the Senate. To further reduce the misuse of government positions corporate campaign contributions must be eliminated from political campaigns. These contributions are in the hundreds of millions and are currently used as a bargaining chip for lobbyist. Elimination of these contributions would allow constituents to be the sole bases of a campaign account and further allows public servants to truly serve the American public by reducing the monetary value of passing certain laws or regulations. Finally because the IRS governs a bulk of political campaign rules via the tax code, simply rewriting it would not only facilitate eliminating corporate contributions but also simplifies federal taxation for the average taxpayer. A removal of current code and the implementation of a simpler code would decrease errors and reduce time and money the IRS spends auditing. Also by rewriting a new code allows a government, of the people, for the people to instate a code that is fairer and meets the obligations of the US government.
Continued…. Simply waiting for the elections of 2012 would be the acceptance of complacency. While the thought of voting poorly performing officials out of office, and replacing them with someone that will be perceived to do better is democratic. Keep in mind that nothing has been done to create an environment of ethical behavior. By not creating this environment the same destructive pattern will persist. And while well-intentioned individuals come into office, they leave with those intentions skewed and malformed to meet the needs of corporate necessity.
Step 7: Implementing the Decision The growing census amongst middle class Americans is that the system is entirely broken. And while the “Occupy” movement is this calling card to shed light on these inequalities, it still requires more support. A CNN poll showed that as of OCT 31 64% of Americans have now heard of the “Occupy” movement and of that 64%, 36% support the movement and its “perceived” beliefs. We the 99% will note stand by while corporate greed buys up everything in its path to include political clout. Our future as a nation should not be determined by 400 of the wealthiest families. We the people of the United States of America were founded on the principles of a Republic not that of a Plutocracy. The “Occupy” movement should not be represented by what I have said here, this is no means a demand by the “Occupy” movement.
“There was a dream that was Rome. You could only whisper it. Anything more than a whisper it would vanish, it was so fragile.” Maximus Decimus Meridius- “The Gladiator”