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Forum Post: A good reason not to make demands on Wash DC

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 2:47 p.m. EST by bugbuster (103) from Yoncalla, OR
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The Occupy movement and its supporters long ago figured out that the folks in Washington DC understand the problems of the 99% and how to solve them, but even if they ever give it a moment's thought, they simply don't care. They came to DC for money and power, not to do good things for riffraff.

My own personal prescription for Occupy is to stay the course being careful to nurture popular support as much as possible. One possible outcome is that over time Occupy's gentle influence will drive wedges of conscience and weaken or even fracture bonds between families and friends of the powerful, particularly along generational lines. This may not be all that hard to do. The pursuit of wealth and the uprooting of families for the sake of campaigning and exercising power in DC takes a toll--in effect makes the down payment for Occupy to isolate the politician and weaken his resolve.



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