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Forum Post: A Global Bank Run.

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 26, 2011, 11:13 p.m. EST by yarichin (269)
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If every nation on Earth were to take it's paper money back to their respective central banks, and demand some form of equity for the money they were "loaned", the central banks would have to admit that they have no assets. That is what almost happened in 2008 but the US bailed them out by printing more fiat money in effect taking in more of the banking cartels debt. When you take another person's debt you are LOANING. The central banks have confused us into thinking that loaning is borrowing and the charge our governments interest on money that they have loaned to the banks. I wish I could borrow money, and make the guy who loaned it to me pay me interest. I would get rich over-nite.



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