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Forum Post: A generation lied to, stolen from, misrepresented, and extremely pissed off about it.

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 2, 2011, 12:11 a.m. EST by Jonas541 (72)
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We have had our democracy stolen from us by the lobbyist, our homes and savings gambled with and lost, and we have been told where our place is. On top of all of this we are told we must accept this as our reality. Should we simply accept this or take back what has been stolen?



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[-] 1 points by HappyLove (143) 13 years ago

At least stop making them steal more.

[-] 0 points by RicoSuave (218) 13 years ago

What exactly has been stolen from you?

I see all kinds of remarks along those lines here .... but most of them are made by misguided kids who have probably never worked a single day in their lives, and have never had anything of which could be stolen.

You have to have something first in order for it to be stolen.

So ... what exactly was stolen from you?

[-] 1 points by Jonas541 (72) 13 years ago

A goverment which works for the interest of the people it serves is one thing that was stolen....btw I have worked hard all my life, just because I'm well off doesn't mean I cannot stick up for those who are not.

[-] 1 points by RicoSuave (218) 13 years ago

When did we ever have a goverment which worked for the interests of the people?

We have a government that works only for it's own interests. The government's goal is to expand itself and to make itself more powerful.

That has happened with increasing frequency over the last 40 or more years.

Whatever has been "stolen" from the American people was taken by government.

There comes a point when government becomes so big and so intrusive, there is no room for much else in society.

Wall Street or any corporation hasn't taken shit from you. Whatever is missing from American life or the "American Dream" was taken by big government.

[-] 1 points by bing99 (71) 13 years ago

I beg to differ. Just ask the farmers who's seeds got unintentionally mixed with Monsanto's engineered seeds on their land. There's one perfect example. Watch The Future of Food.

[-] 0 points by Bambi (359) 13 years ago

If it got "stolen" YOU messed up and allowed it to happen.

i.e. A person who doesn't make much money wants a house. Bank or mortgage company says hey.......I can help you get that! Just sign here. So you do. Did YOU take responsibility and read the fine print? tsk tsk...Whose fault is it. THEY aren't required to tell you. It's up to you to find out all by your lonesome self. They are only there to sell you something.

In my parents generation (WWII) they knew if they wanted something they would have to work HARD for it. Generally in those days it was the man that did the work outside while the woman raised the kids. They would love to have a house but they knew they would have to wait and save. They didn't have credit cards and unnecessary stuff. They had used cars. They knew it would have to be that way until they could AFFORD it.

Many years later all their blood, sweat and tears paid off. They are now ready to purchase a STARTER home. What's that you ask? Well it's a simple little house. The kids might have to share one bedroom but that is okay. It's THEIR home and they take pride in it. They still don't have fancy stuff around because they know that feeding the kids and clothing them and paying their bills off every month was the rule of the house.

They did NOT have debt. They also didn't have stupid things like fancy phones, fancy TVs, big fancy cars, designer clothing. They didn't live above their means.

THIS generation is causing their own problems. You have been given EVERYTHING. I am a baby boomer. I had ONE doll to play with. Not 200. I had to wear hand me down clothing. I needed braces but we simply couldn't afford them. I had an allowance of 50-cents a week. Out of that 10-cents went in a little envelope for church. We were told to save the other half in the bank.

When I got out of school and lived at home I had to pay room and board every single week. I had too pay for everything myself.....clothing.....food...my own gas...my own car insurance......I had to buy my own car......

I lived REALITY. It's arrogant to think your democracy has been stolen from you......or your homes........or savings that were "gambled". If you feel that way then YOU have made the wrong choices in your life.....Stop blaming everyone else.

[-] 2 points by barb (835) 13 years ago

I got news for you we don't live in that generation anymore where if people just work hard and saved enough money they could afford the american dream of owning a home. We don't live in that generation anymore where they felt secure knowing they had a job until they retired with a nice pension.

We have a current generation now that even if they obtained a college degree there isn't a job out there that hasn't left the country. More jobs are leaving every day and no new ones are being invented yet. No jobs, No jobs, No jobs = total poverty

[-] 0 points by Bambi (359) 13 years ago

EXCEPT..........the trades.........and the health field......BOTH are in DESPERATE need of help...........especially the health field when the Obamacare goes into effect.......RETHINK your career choices. Stop letting your liberal minded colleges suggest what's the best career for you.


And yes indeed one CAN live like the generations of the past. Stop buying into all the fancy shit. You don't need it.

Our government has over regulated so much no wonder industry is going elsewhere........and it's not just about cheaper labor. These countries are FAR AHEAD of our technology. If I weren't so tired I would tell you a story about the steel mills and why they have closed. Thank our government for that.

[-] 1 points by barb (835) 13 years ago

I worked in the healthcare field for years and my income only covered my rent, untilities, car loan, and what was left barely paid for groceries. You can't save for your future because there is nothing left of your paycheck to save.

[-] 1 points by Bambi (359) 13 years ago

There are areas of this country that pay huge bucks for that line of work. Perhaps time for a move

[-] 1 points by jimhasnain (3) 13 years ago

Great points all of em, however it is is baby boomers who spoil our kids and did not transfer the feet on the ground no nonsense value system. It was our responsibility and we dropped the baton.

[-] 1 points by Bambi (359) 13 years ago

BINGO!!! I have said that same thing over and over again. It is our responsibility and for whatever reason the ball was dropped. Fortunately I raised my daughter who is 32 the way I was. She is a terrific person with a huge heart and has never raised her voice to me. She is appalled by the behaviors of her own generation.

Anyway I really don't get why the BB are afraid of their kids and give them everything they want.

[-] 1 points by Jonas541 (72) 13 years ago

Actually I have done very well in my life. I have a well paying job, have worked extremely hard for all of my success and have lost very little due to the issues facing our country. However, I am not ignorant enough to believe that a paid for democracy is not a democracy. I'm not ignorant enough to think that policies which advantage the rich and disadvantage the poor are good.

[-] 0 points by RicoSuave (218) 13 years ago

You're ignorant enough to think you live in a democracy.

The United States is not a democracy. The United States has never been a democracy.

The United States is a Representative Republic.

[-] 2 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

Actually The United States is a Neo-feudal Plutofascist Corporate Hegemony. But hey, whose keeping score.

[-] 1 points by Jonas541 (72) 13 years ago

Excellent, thank you for the vocabulary lesson!