Forum Post: A frame the 99% will rally around
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 11:33 p.m. EST by racheldot
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I want to suggest a way to frame this movement. What we seek is GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE, with LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL. Three points: first, this language (from the Gettysburg Address & the Pledge of Allegiance) will resonate deeply, profoundly, with most all Americans, even those uncomfortable with (what they know of) this movement. Second: this language would seem to encompass every change we would wish for! "Government of, by, & for the people": making these words meaningful leads naturally to such things as the repeal of corporate personhood; campaign finance reform; getting rid of the Electoral College; protecting & strengthening voting rights, including things like instant runoff voting; universal health care; meaningful response to the climate crisis; moving beyond the institutionalized racism in our criminal justice system and elsewhere; creating a government committed to access to quality education, child care, food security, etc etc etc. Truly working towards "liberty and justice for all" leads naturally to...many of those same things, of course; reinstatement and fierce protection of our civil rights; accountability to the rule of law for those in government and business, including the financial industry; protection of workers' rights, including the right to organize; etc etc etc. ALL OF THIS falls under the umbrella of this language. And the third point: the protesters are now framed as the true patriots; the whole movement is galvanized as something like the American Revolution 2.0. GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, AND FOR THE PEOPLE, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL. Proclaim it everywhere, in every possible forum! Let it shine as our common purpose as Americans, let it be the connection between Occupy protesters everywhere and the society around them. Then watch what happens.