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Forum Post: A final solution

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 1:23 p.m. EST by junglylion (55)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

here I suggest a united voice (but in Chinese, so, one should ask somebody who can understand Chinese to translate), which has the power of change the world:



1)政府和资本家们: 你们是人类的精英,我们当初因为信耐你们而把资本和权利交给你们,可惜你们滥用你们的才智,只知道为自己累积财富;你们滥用你们的武力,只知道用于维持自己的统治地位。你们无权再支配全人类共同所有的生产材料,无权再支配本该属于人民的军队。你们要么洗心不再为自己而追名逐利,而是全心全意为人民而生产经营;要么下台,让拥有更高智慧和慈悲心的新时代领袖来掌管政权和资本。

2)所有的垄断企业: 必须放弃“追求利益最大化”的企业宗旨,必须转变为以最大化降低生产成本、减少员工劳动时间但不准裁员和降低工资,必须以服务大众为宗旨。你们不是少数资本家的,始终是归全民所有。不能全心全意为人民的管理者请下台,让人民来选择垄断企业的管理者。

3) 全地球的公民: 必须团结起来,心怀慈悲而非私心,崇尚高尚的精神追求,以全人类的共同觉醒与物质、精神自由为奋斗目标。

diverse and trivial demands make little sense in solving the fundamental problem...we should find out the final solution....that's why I suggest this...

wish somebody can translate it....

This actually suggested a final solution....(and probably, is the only applicable and thorough one...)

but is evolutional...and will bring about a brand new society...



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[-] 1 points by junglylion (55) 13 years ago

ok..........anyway......I translated it myself...though sort of poorly...

Though more and more people has realized the injustice of the society, and protested, most still don't know what is the right way. voice, if diverse, will be weakened and hardly be effective. so, here, we suggest a possible way for your consideration.

People's voice should be consistently like this: 1) To the government and the capitalists: you are elits and were granted the capital and power based on our trust on you. However you abuse your wisdom for gathering your own wealth; you abuse your power and military force for maintaining your government. So, you have no right anymore in controling the capital and materials, and have no right in leading the army. You should either whole-heartedly serve the people, or give up and let those who have a higher wisdom as well as mercy to lead us and control the capital.

2) To all the monopoly : you should give up the aim of pursuing maximum profits, and change the aim into minimizing the costs and the labor time but should not fire the workers or reduce the payment for the reason of improved productivity and reduced costs. the enterprises are not yours, but us all human beings. If you feel reluctant to serve us all, you should leave your position and let all the people to chose the managers of the enterprises.

3) To all the citizens on the Earth: We should be united. We should all be benevolence and selfless, should advocate virtue and high spiritual pursuit. We should make the global enlightment and the global material and spiritual freedom our common goal and struggle for it whole-heartedly.

[-] 1 points by han (18) 13 years ago

I think it says, "Don't follow in the foot steps of the tragic human rights disaster known as China."

[-] 0 points by bythepeople (56) 13 years ago

Translated using Babel Fish:

More and more people already had realized freely society's unfair, starts the revolt, however, the majority of people did not know that the correct outlet is anything. The call sound cannot gather consistently, will be very incapable, will be difficult to have the result. Here, I say a possible outlet, for everybody reference. The populace cry out the sound should consistent as follows: 1) government and capitalists: You are humanity's outstanding people, because we initially the letter bore you, but gives the capital and the right you, what a pity you abuse your ability and wisdom, only knows for own accumulated wealth; You abuse your military force, only knew that uses in maintaining own dominant status. You have no right to control the universe together all production material again, has no right to control again originally should belong to people's army. You either wash the heart no longer to seek fame and fortune for yourselves, but wholeheartedly for people production operation; Either leaves office, lets have Gao Zhihui and the mercy heart's new times leader governs the political power and the capital. 2) all Monopoly enterprise: Must give up “the pursue benefit maximization” the enterprise objective, must transform for the maximization reduces the production cost, to reduce the staff working time but not to permit to reduce staff and to reduce the wages, must take serve the populace as the objective. You are not the minority capitalist, is throughout belongs to all the people to possess. Cannot please leave office wholeheartedly for people's superintendent, lets the people choose Monopoly enterprise's superintendent. 3) Entire Earth's citizen: Must unite, cherishes the mercy, but the non-selfishness, advocates the noble spiritual pursue, awakens together take the universe with the material, the energetic freedom as the goal.

[-] 0 points by junglylion (55) 13 years ago

it will be appreciated if somebody can translate it into English...and put down the translation here...so people worldwide can understand it...^^