Forum Post: A different perspective
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 3:07 a.m. EST by jhcole
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Peace to you my brothers and sister. As I watch the movement to and fro over the last few weeks, I'd like to share some words with you. I am of the last year of the baby boomers (1964). I had a 60's era hippy mentor and a Korean era father. So I've seen a lot of stuff from both sides. Ya know, in the 60's it was all about the war man, make love not war ya know? The movement was focused, it had a clear message and targeted audience. If you thought it was completely safe, you'd be wrong. A lot of things went wrong, who's brain child was it to have the Hell's Angels be security at one of the Woodstock events? But a lot of things went right. I think OccupyWallStreet mission or purpose is a noble one however, you need to be better organized. You need a voice, a clear voice, a message that unites all the cities together. Right now you seem like splinters instead of having a National voice. Think about it man, if the powers that be sees that your unorgainzed without focus, they will not take you seriously. They will tolerate you for only so long. But if you stand up and rally behind a few good speakers, unified marches, then that might change. You need to provide the powers that be with solutions, ideas that they can agree to. Your voice shouldn't be we are all individuals pissed off because Wall Street and Corp. execs are rich. Your message should be that Wall Street got bailed out and no one went to jail for ripping off the American people and we're mad as hell about it. It should be something like, let's fix the economic injustice of the gap between the rich and the poor is sooo freaking wide that the Middle Class collasped. How about adjusting all those superintendent of school districts and their board of directors salaries, which can be anywhere from $250 + /yr to something more in line to fair market value instead of obscene salaries and raise those at the bottom and teacher's salaries. The corporations need to focus more on the working class than the shareholders, that's for sure man. Our problem is that Corporations and politicians for decades have been bleeding the middle class until we have no more blood to give. The elite 1% have kept the money at the top with them and got lawmakers to make laws more in their favor until now we are just screwed. We have no money or power. We are somewhat ourselves to blame as capitalism, we allowed them to charge "what the market will bear" and letting them reduce our salaries and our time for education which, I feel, springboarded the very situation we face today, as oppose to chargeing what is fair and reasonable and respecting an individual's right is more important that the corporation. I agree with Bill Clinton man when he said, and to paraphrase, that the gov't should give money to Corporation to train the workforce they need however, with oversight. I think that if Corporation really wanted to make a crap load of money and if America really wanted to be safe and free once more to be a global leader then Corporations needs to unlock all those Trillions of dollars they are sitting on and invest in research and training and lawmakers need to bring back a balance between the classes. We are sitting on a wealth of technologies that we could truly harness to work better for us than us for it. Give someone who's living check to check a way to live instead of just survive and that employee will eagerly shine at the workplace instead of just doing what they're told. AND FINALLY, your message shouldn't be just about the unemployed, it should be about the working poor, the middle class who's now homeless and redefining America's priorities. We need and should demand better respect and dignity for employees. We need to stop trying to catch up or compete with the world man, We need shine and let the world worry about what we're doing. If if was me man, I'd be sticking it to all those GOP politicians who keep saying no to everything and not offering any real solution, like a sound business model for changing the market around. To those politicians who gawk, this is just class warfare, YOU DAMN RIGHT!
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