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Forum Post: A demand with true societal impact

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 1:48 p.m. EST by ScottChicago (0)
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You want a demand that is achievable and will have a real societal change. Make it defacto corporate mismanagement to pay any company officer more than 50 times the avg employees salary and put Corporate Boards in jail for 10 years minimum for breaking this law. That is total compensation, not just base pay.

Employee incomes will start to rise when corporate officers pay is tied to it. Also tie in the cost of foreign workers indexed for cost of living differences between their countries and the US. Again, the positive impact will be a return of manufaturing jobs to the US due to the self interest of corporate officers wanting to make more money.

We don't need to focus so much on the taxes of the upper class as much as we need to focus on making the middle and lower classes richer. We need to rebalance the income distribution in this nation which has been pulled so out of whack due to a lack of morals. Overvaluing the contribution of leaders compared to the contributions of the workers who truly make companies successful grinding out the day to day operations of these companies.



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[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

sounds like more people getting less money

wealth is not based on income

wealth is based on property