Forum Post: A Demand of OWS
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 5:19 a.m. EST by peacescientist
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
While there are crippling environmental laws, and even some local laws that are very detrimental, I dont understand why everyone is so angry about money that they have given away. See, every dollar that goes to pay off a politician, you gave to the corporation. You bought their products. You believed their lies. Your not a baby elephant. I demand that if you are serious about this we will start planning from this day forward to WORK together.
No chain stores, no gap, etc.
Some of our tech people need to figure out how to get people connected to the internet without cox, comcast, etc. Also figure out phones.
Some of our more mechanically inclined people need to work on converting cars to accept biodiesl, better yet come up with a better battery and a way to charge a hydrogen fuel cell. Teach other people how to do this. We also have to figure out electricity.
We need farmers to grow hydroponic soybeans for fuel and for plastic
We need scientists who know how to polymerise soybeans into plastics of different uses
We need manufacturing plants to make our cups, spoons, packaging,
We need cooks to come up with something better than coke
All you business minded people should make yourselves known. Coordinate these actions.
There is so much for us to do. If our protests are going to amount to anything, its going to be that our generation learns how to fend for itself.