Forum Post: A Demand
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 12:40 p.m. EST by skizzy
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A new transparent investigation of 9/11
And there it goes. OWS jumps the shark.
Why is that jumping the shark? 9/11 was never investigated,. seems important to me that a real transparent investigation is done to find out who really demolished the three towers. (steel framed buildings do not demolish themselves!)
also; one persons post in a public forum is not the Occupy Wall Steed movement so try to keep perspective.
9-11 was never investigated? Ok, put the tin-foil hat on. Fire doesn't melt steel as well I guess. Beware the chemtrails.
As for you guys saying this is financial - what about the $trillions we have spent fighting 'terrorism' in Iraq and Afghanistan, with no end in sight? Also we are now bombing Libya, Yemen and don't let me forget Pakistan (and Syria, not sure?).
Don't forget that 9/11 was the impetus for the last ten years of war. Profits to military contractors.
YES. 9/11 is the lynchpin of the Patriot Act and setting up the police state which we are now so fortunate to be experiencing.
We deserve to know the truth. Building 7 came down at the speed of gravity in its own footprint.
I agree, but this is largely an economic movement. How about investigate the 2T the DoD lost announced on 9/10/01? but really... END THE FED
This might be the movement that unseats the current regime... democrats, republicans and the crooked people managers. Then we will get accountability from people that gave us 9/11, war on terror, Patriot Act police state and so on.
hahahahahah retard
excellent debate skills you have.
Note; that is sarcasm,.
haha moron