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Forum Post: A Complete Expose of the Federal Reserve Bank ::

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 3, 2011, 11:30 p.m. EST by rogerfaraday (8)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Currency Creation without Representation is Tyranny

Everything we'd been told for the last decade turned out to be a lie. Markets did not run themselves; creators of financial instruments were not infallible geniuses; and debts did not really need to be repaid – in fact, money itself was revealed to be a political instrument, trillions of dollars of which could be whisked in or out of existence overnight if governments or central banks required it. Even the Economist was running headlines like "Capitalism: Was it a Good Idea?"

It All Began in 1910 On Jekyll Island off the coast of New York.

It was here that seven very rich and powerful men met in secret for nine days and created the Federal Reserve System that came into being three years later on December 23, 1913 by an act of Congress. Since that time, the nation and world would never be the same, but only the rich and powerful were the beneficiaries. That was the whole idea, and it worked as planned.

The Federal Reserve Act surely ranks as one of the most disastrous pieces of legislation for the public welfare to come out of any legislative body in the history of mankind. It was, and is, still illegal according to Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution which happens to be the inviolable law of the land. The article states that Congress shall have the power to coin (create) money and regulate the value thereof. The US Supreme Court has ruled that Congress cannot constitutionally delegate its power to another group or body at any time for any reason. Thus, Congress acted in violation of the Constitution they're sworn to uphold and in so doing created the Federal Reserve Bank that is a Private for-Profit Corporation operating at the expense of the public welfare. By its action, our lawmakers committed fraud against the people of the country and have gotten away with it without the public even knowing the harm done.

US President Woodrow Wilson, who signed Federal Reserve Banking System into law in 1913, later admitted he made a terrible mistake saying "I unwittingly ruined my country." It's about time the public understood that and begin to demand an end to over 90 years of damage done.

The Federal Reserve Bank Is Not A Government Agency - It's A Privately Owned Cartel of Powerful Corporations Protected By Law who print and manipulate American Currency.

'... The most powerful men in the United States are themselves answerable to another power, a foreign power, and a power which has been steadfastly seeking to extend its control over the young republic since its very inception. That power is the financial power of an English Corporation, centered in the London Branch of the House of Rothschild. Since 1913, the United States has been, for all practical purposes, ruled from England, and so it is today'

The day the Federal Reserve Act was passed, "the Constitution ceased to be the governing law of the American people, and our liberties were handed over to a small group of international bankers"

"The Primary Owners of the Federal Reserve Bank Are:

  1. Rothschild's of London and Berlin
  2. Lazard Brothers of Paris
  3. Israel Moses Seaf of Italy
  4. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. of Germany and New York
  5. Warburg & Company of Hamburg, Germany
  6. Goldman, Sachs of New York
  7. Rockefeller Brothers of New York

All the primary owners are branches of European establishments. Foreigners control the United States Money supply. They literally own exclusive rights to the dollar and simply enter dollars into their banks books to make money which they then lend back to us at a profit. For them money does not grow on trees, it is simply a data entry into their account. Clearly the private ownership of the U.S. Dollar is by far The Greatest Crime of the Century. The owners of this bank have been responsible for instigating all the major wars and depressions in the last 100 years. They own the bank, they own the dollar and they own all the major media channels, the military industrial complex and most politicians, judges and cops."-- -- data quoted -Website :: US Senator Ron Paul



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[-] 3 points by manias329 (12) 13 years ago

Yup, the documentary "The Secret of Oz" is a great summary of the history of our nation's struggle against central private banks.


"This version finally cuts several bogus quotes which have festered in the monetary reform literature for decades. The world economy is doomed to spiral downwards until we do 2 things: outlaw government borrowing; 2. outlaw fractional reserve lending. Banks should only be allowed to lend out money they actually have and nations do not have to run up a "National Debt". Remember: It's not what backs the money, it's who controls its quantity."

[-] 2 points by occupitogether (4) 13 years ago

Agreed, Monetary Reform from a debt based currency to a debt free currency should be primary target. Whoever controls the money supply, has critical power over the system. Can someone get this at the top of our agenda? No more immoral, unethical international bankers controlling our system please!

[-] 2 points by kbsdk (3) 13 years ago

the FED should be PRIMARY TARGET of Occupy Wall Street. it is the keystone in the arch. without dismantling or nationalizing of the Federal Reserve and ceasing to issue debt-based currency, no other financial or political reform is feasible.

[-] 2 points by marsdefIAnCe (365) 13 years ago

Nice post, straight to the point.

[-] 1 points by EndTheFedNow (692) 13 years ago

Bumping this important post to help educate everyone about why Wall Street and the banksters have been able to loot We the People since 1913. OWS gets nowhere without demanding END THE FED.

[-] 1 points by Koinonia (7) 13 years ago

To be honest, if the Federal Reserve Act isn't abolished, this whole movement across the country and the world will only be a rearranging of the furniture on the Titanic. A change of President or a partisan shift in Congress won't change the corrupted system. I don't think the majority of the 99% understands this - they just want to be less economically oppressed, and politicians (or even potential dictators) as well as the media are apt to woo the masses with empty promises and distract the masses from the real problem as described above, namely, the private, for-profit corporation that prints our money for us. What needs to be underscored is that the system is corrupt. The system built up since the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 is based on usury and greed. As long as that remains intact, the machine will continue at the cost of the common good (economic depression, wars, etc.).

It is also worth noting that the 2 primary Presidents who put us in this situation, Woodrow Wilson and F.D. Roosevelt, were Freemasons (read funded by "dirty" money) and had the same One World Government agenda (i.e. the League of Nations and the United Nations). As the world revolts, we can be sure that the New World Order people will try to hijack this for their solution, which includes a reduction of the world's population by over 90% (look up the Georgian Guideposts, the Gorbachav meetings in 1998, and the recent statements of Ted Turner: reduce the population to 350 million!!! and a global, forced one child policy!!!). The 1% could care less about the 99%, in fact, they'd like to eliminate 90% and keep a well-controlled 9% as their servants.

So much ignorance! but at least some here will read and perhaps even agree.

[-] 1 points by Thoughtcraft (22) 13 years ago

This website disputes the allegations of ownership: http://webskeptic.wikidot.com/federal-reserve-ownership

Thoughts? Additional information to clarify in what sense these people/institutions "own" the Fed.

[-] 1 points by EndTheFedNow (692) 13 years ago

That site is meant to confuse and obfuscate. The names of the corporations do change but the principal owners are the same. If you've ever studied the structure of some of the global corporations, you'll see what I'm saying. It's like Russian dolls - one corporation within another that's a subsidiary of a holding company that contains other subsidiaries held by trusts, etc, etc, etc. The Federal Reserve system (all of the member banks) is privately owned, doesn't have to disclose shit, totally controls our money supply (unconstitutional) and has loaned TRILLIONS of OUR money to their privately owned European branches of their financial mafia.