Forum Post: A Commoners Guide to Defeating the Aristocracy
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 22, 2011, 9:15 p.m. EST by mennitti
from Punxsutawney, PA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Hello, This is the title of my book. It is all about the movement. Does anyone know anything about publishing and can advise me? I am a substitute school teacher, earning 14k for the past five years, so retaining publicists and agents has been out of the question. The book is 162 pages, all finished and formatted, ready to print. It is easy to understand for the ordinary person, so I don't bore anyone to sleep with excessive historical facts or confuse them with complex economic explanations. The second half details legislative solutions to fix the problems. Coincidentally, they are almost all of Michael Moore's proposals that were released today....
So, anyone???? I emailed the OWS "Public Library," hopefully they have some ideas.
Why don't you try to send your manuscript to publishers you think might be interested? It's hard for us to propose publishers because we haven't read your book. Only you know what is your angle, and what type of literary work you have on your hands. Your best bet is go to a library and find the names of publishers who have published books similar to yours. Then you mail them your manuscript. It only costs you postage. If they like it, they will respond.
But first, you should mail yourself a copy of the manuscript. This way you will have a copy at home with an official dated stamp from the US postal service. If anyone tries to steal your work, this is proof you can use in court to show that you have an earlier copy than they do. It's the easiest way to copy protect your work.
Michael Mooree? The multimillionaire Marxist? Wow. What a endorsement.