Forum Post: A clear agenda.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 22, 2011, 7:56 p.m. EST by seeker
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
So the agenda is already set...Our voices were heard.
Stop posting RonPaul comments, you will be blocked from this site. OWS does not endorse political candidates, especially RonPaul
Some people don't understand why we are censoring posts. This is not a free speech issue, if you don't agree with our agenda you shouldn't be writing on our website.
We want free education, free health care, and unemployment benefits for everyone by taxing the 1% and most importantly we want to end capitalism!!
RonPaul talks about ending the Federal Reserve. This has nothing to do with Occupy Wall Street as this is a Government Agency that helps increase employment by lowering interest rates. Occupy Wall Street wants a bigger government that can provide for the people, we don't want to decrease the size of the government! That doesn't make any sense.
RonPaul also wants to stop the wars, which again has nothing to do with the OWS goals. While everyone has their own opinion about the wars, we need to trust Obama who during his Peace Prize speech explained that some wars are necessary to achieve true peace in the world.
We agree to freedom of speech when promoting our agenda in public places but not from RonPaul supporters on our website. At the next meeting I will try to get a consensus to block RonPaul supporters from our meetings and protests. Hopefully we can create a black list of these right wing extremists and make sure they don't get in our way.
Stop posting RonPaul comments, you will be blocked from this site. - OWSmoderator
I think this is a troll post... but I'm not sure... runs to get pepper sprayed
What is your agenda? Does it sparkle with the GA?
My agenda is to have freedom to voice opinion and have access to knowledge.
What is the GA?
the general assembly? You said nobody should come to these boards unless they support your agenda. So if your agenda is freedom of speech, the way you want to achieve that is by denying someone else of theirs? Very interesting.
This is the agenda of the forum owners who claim this is the agenda of the 99% It was a warning of a moderator on this forum.
He wasn't a moderator. he was a troll that just signed up today. The funny thing about freedom of speech is there is no limitation.