Forum Post: A change of direction
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 2 p.m. EST by Islahead
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The movement should plan a date for all of those occupiers around the country to meet in one city for a mass demonstration. If a hundred thousand people meet in New York to occupy wall street, how can the police stop them? There is power in numbers, and at the moment the movement is made up of many groups around the country, which makes it easy for the cities to control. We need to outnumber the authorities. Also, why not try to get a world wide boycott of New York going. Ask people to not travel to New York and boycott businesses who are having conventions and such in the city. They hurt our country's economy, so lets hurt theirs.
And to the "haters"- Why do you get so upset about a government trying to provide healthcare to all it citizens, enough to form the tea party, but you do not care about the inequalities in our country or the crimes committed by the banks? We should be grateful that many of the people protesting are educated.I hate to say it but, by the posts online it seems that "blue-collar" means uneducated and unthoughtful now. Also, the working man has been hurt more by tha banking failures than the President's policies, so why do you defend them? You" blue-collar" workers remind me of the poor white's who fought for the South even though they did not own slaves, in that you do not benefit from the system you are fighting to protect. I guess you hope to be millionaires someday. Well, thanks to the banks you are further away from that goal than ever. Have you seen your retirement account lately? Maybe if the American banking institutions were run by a black man there would be more "blue-collar" workers protesting the banks. I put "blue-collar" in qoutes because I am directly responding to those posts from people claiming to be "blue-collared". I cannot believe that all blue collar workers think like those I am responding to.