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Forum Post: A Change in Politcs; Return to a Citizen Legislature

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 11:31 a.m. EST by berneard (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Capitalize (sorry for the choice of word!) on your grass roots energy. Change the way politics works. Change the Constitution from the state level; don't rely on Congress to make the necessary changes. It's in their own self-interest to retain the status quo.

Eliminate reelection campaigns; eliminate campaign contribution demands; reduce the power of lobbyists. HOW you ask?

Eliminate the ability for any officeholder at the federal level to run for reelection. Change the Rep cycle to 1 5-year term; Senate to 1 7-year term; Pres to 1 6-year term. Require immediate resignation from office if any direct or indirect effort is considered, made, intimated, etc to run for a different office by the officeholder and/or any other person affiliated with this person (call it the Dodd effect - live in Iowa for a Pres campaign while holding Senate seat).

Require full disclosure of any campaign ads as to who the real donors are; no more hiding behind pseudonames. Require all requests for Congressional involvement to be made publically, not through private meetings. Nothing in the Articles says that you can't seek redress; just seek it publically to remove any influence.

If enough states approve, it becomes the law of the land. It can't be ruled against!

You have the attention of people; make the most of it. Enough of us are frustrated with the status quo to cause an impact. More power to the people is over due...



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[-] 1 points by April (3196) 13 years ago

1% buys their representation. 99% are left with the scraps.

How about changing the political process and taking all of the money out of campaigns through publicly funded elections?

[-] 1 points by Febs (824) from Plymouth Meeting, PA 13 years ago

Hell I would be happy with changing the Constitution to instead of mandating Congress sit for at least 1 day a year we mandate them to only sit for 1 day a year.