Forum Post: A cap on sales profit will generate surplus in tax revenue.
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 9, 2012, 11:08 a.m. EST by FriendlyObserverB
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Counter balancing the world economic crisis.
why do people think more money in government helps anything? More money in the hands of the people is what helps. The government is a wasteful consumer. All they do when they get money is hire more worthless people and create more regulations to take away our freedoms.
The government gave us hwys, street lights , sidewalks , water and seer lines, schools , police, SS , EI, ... What else would you like ?
id rather have a paid for home and no roads. now the gov wont let up taking away my hard earned money.
With a profit cap, it will be easier to pay for your home.
Also they gave us wars and public works projects to nowhere. They gave us 13 trillion dollars of debt. They used our money to buy research projects on the flatulence emissions of cows. They buy people to research things that don't need researching. They spend trillions of our dollars killing people in other countries. They spend trillions of our dollars fighting drug use in this country.
And the DMV with all of the associated pension benefits. And the police and fire forces with all of the associated pensin benefits.
Every private toll road I have been on has been nicer and better than the public ones.
Should we even talk about the schools.
Whatever Government "gives" it can also take away. You put too much faith in something that has no interest in you,other than collecting your taxes and collecting fines from you when you violate one of the many Govt. regulation.
You qualify as a genuine fool and a useful idiot.
perhaps a graduating tax on capital gains (one that increases with gain)
might function as a a soft cap
a cap on sales profit would people would seek to make note sales
Capital gains will not escape the cap
So would making corporations pay their taxes!
REVEALED: The 30 American Companies That Paid Less Than $0 In Income Tax Over The Last 3 Years
Read more:
A cap on income is the way they did it in the 1950's. Here's a good read:
Cheers :)
You seem to think that people will work at 100% just for the sake of it. That there are no incentives for peope to work and produce. We know from history what happens when price controls are put on products and industries, less is produced.
A profit sales cap will encourage sales. More will be produced.
How about we just eliminate tax exemptions instead of telling someone how much they can make? A cap on sales profit today, a cap on your salary tomorrow. In reality, a cap on sales profit just increases the costs of goods and hurts the little people, but then again, most starry eyed "equality" ideas end up hurting the little people. The rich didn't get that way because they were dumb, they know how to get around any silly rule you make so you need to step outside of your box and see every side of the issue.
They won't be able to step around this one.
We should be thankful that corporations don't pay income tax. We would all be better off if the law required no tax from corporations.
We forget that any expense that a corporation has is simply passed on to us, the consumers (a tax on corporations is quite regressive by the way). If the corporate tax is too high they get driven out of business by by corps in places with more favorable tax laws like Europe. It also costs us jobs.
The Gov likes to try to fool us with hidden taxes like the tax on corps. We should fight this practice. Force the Gov to be transparent about how much their tax laws affect the consumer.
A cap is not a tax.
Will there also be a cap on sales losses? I often sell things short and end up loosing money. It is only fair that if my profits will be capped that my losses will too.
The short answer, no.
Will the cap on profits be on a per unit basis or on total profit per month/year?
And how much would you propose this cap to be?
Per sale percentage markup cap.
OK, so I own a dental practice and there are very few things that I buy and then resell at a markup. So how would this cap be applied to my business? Any given procedure does not have a clearly defined cost to me, we just figure out our total overhead at the end of the month and the difference between that and our collections is the profit.
Your business will be exempt from cap. But keep in mind you sell a toothbrush you will have to compete with the drugstore across the street that will have the cap.
Just like a restaurant is also exempt from the cap. Perhaps they sell a bottle of juice from the cooler. The shop across the street will compete with the cap.
So basically any service based industry would be exempt?
Oh and my toothbrushes are free so I think if anything CVS should worry about me haha.
So , are we finished with kindergarten class for today?
Honestly, no. I think your idea, while grounded in good intentions, has about a 0% chance of ever becoming the law of the land here because it would have little to no public support. I think Occupy should focus it's efforts on goals that are actually attainable and agreeable to the American public (you know, the whole 99% thing).
I agree. Capitalists will not give up unfettered profits. Just as they did not give up slavery. But the cap on profits is the easiest solution to the world economic crisis. Unfettered profits have almost broke the world.
a cap does not sound half bad, but I think putting a bound on the CEO's profits would work better. If a CEO could not make thirty times more than the lowest payed employee, then as the CEO scrambles to enrich him/her self, the CEO would be rising the boats of all his/her employees.
You get the idea.
Where does the money go from profits that exceed the cap?
It stays in the consumers wallet.
So there Gov is taking money away from the person that manufactured the product or provided the service it and is giving it to someone else?
No the manufacturer is not capped.
So there Gov is taking money away from the person that sells the product service and is giving it to someone else?
The cap will lower sales price therefore encourage an increase in sales. The government doesn't take but instead limits what the seller takes.
So the Gov takes money from the seller and gives it to the buyer. How is this not a tax on the seller?
A cap is not a tax.
Is the acceptance of the cap by the seller voluntary?
If not then the Gov is taking by force money from one person and giving it to someone else. That is a tax.
Kindergarten class is over for today.
Can we live without the wise cracks?
In order to stop taxing them, they have to stop being people.
The people that own corps (share-holders) pay taxes on the profits that they personally gain from the corp. If you also tax the corp then you tax the same profit twice. This is a crazy practice and makes the US un-competitive with the rest of the world.
This is exactly why corporate personhood needs to revoked ASAP along with citizens united.
The concept is ludicrous in the first place.
OWS is a corporation. Should they be forbidden from voicing their opinions and trying to influence the Gov?
One shouldn't need "corporate personhood" to do that.
That's my point.
Although, you've shifted position from taxation to something else.
Why did you do that?
It's getting close to lunchtime and taxes give me agita.
Taxes are important because we need it to fund Gov. I just wish we were more diligent about demanding excellence in Gov. We demand excellence for just about everything else. I have been in a McDonalds and seen people walk out because their meal did not arrive in 2.5 minutes like they expect it should. Yet they will stand in the DMV for hours, get dissed by the clerk, and have to come back the next day and then think that they can do nothing about it.
In my experience taxes are used to try to change people’s behavior (as if the Gov has some right to do that) and to fund a fairly inept enterprise. We should demand better, and in the mean time cut off their funding.
Once we get this cap in place we will work on regulating government spending.
What Gov spending regulations did you have in mind?
Something of an average salary per ones constituency. For starters. But I would rather not discuss that on this thread.
Have a nice lunch.....................:)