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Forum Post: A Campaign Finance Amendment Proposal

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 6, 2011, 12:18 p.m. EST by aahpat (1407)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The Citizen's United U.S. Supreme Court ruling shall be considered null and void.

Only individual constituents residing within a legislative district may contribute to a campaign for that office. Only individuals may contribute to a presidential candidate.

A $1,000 individuals only limit is imposed on all legislative campaign contributions.

A $10,000 individuals only limit is imposed presidential campaign contributions.

A clearing house will be established by the Federal Election Commission to receive all presidential and Congressional campaign contributions and disperse them to voter designated candidates anonymously. No candidate may know which constituents are contributing or how much the constituent contributes.

Campaign contributions by individuals will be tax exempt.

Ideas are welcome.



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