Forum Post: A Call to Action: 3-Step Plan
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 23, 2011, 7:10 a.m. EST by GreenMountainBoys
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
To mobilize citizens for maximum impact on our political and economic systems, here is a 3-step proposal for action:
1) Restore American Democracy Pledge - Overhaul our political finance system to restore democracy to the citizens of America, not the special interest lobbies that buy access.
To mobilize citizens toward maximum impact on our political and economic systems, here is a 3-step proposal for action:
Restore American Democracy Pledge - Overhaul our political finance system to restore democracy to the citizens of America, not the special interest lobbies that buy access.
As stated by David DeGraw in a December 16 article: "If you’re wondering why we have the most severe inequality of wealth in American history; if you’re wondering why we currently have an all-time record number of Americans living in poverty, while we have all-time record profits and bonuses on Wall Street, it is primarily the result the richest members of society being able to manipulate and control the legislative process through a system of legalized political bribery."
In the aftermath of Citizens United, we are about to observe in this next election an avalanche of money from the 1% to buy influence and elections.
Reach out to citizens of all political persuasions in support of legislation and political action to limit special interest money in politics. Have all politicians sign a pledge that incorporates the following:
Rep. Ted Deutch – OCCUPIED Amendment (or Outlawing Corporate Cash Undermining the Public Interest in our Elections and Democracy)
Sen. Bernie Sanders – Saving American Democracy Amendment
Cenk Uygur, Wolf PAC – Wolf PAC Amendment
Senator Tom Udall – Udall Amendment
Rep. Kurt Schrader – Schrader Amendment
Rep. Marcy Kaptur – Kaptur Amendment
Next Steps: Draft a "Restore American Democracy Pledge" that incorporates principles of the above effort that all politicians will be asked to signed. Those that do not, we work to remove from office. Join Get Money Out – Get Money Out Amendment - sign up now:
2) Restore American Business Ethics - Too many corporations are committed to short-term profit at the expense of jobs for the middle class, environmental stewardship, and a commitment to local communities. This must change if we have any chance of rebuilding opportunities for the American people. Such ethics cannot be legislated but are greatly influenced by the actions of consumers. The recent reaction to ATM charges by BOA is an excellent example, as was the pricing policy of NetFlix. The American consumer has tremendous power and we must learn to use it. Hit unethical CEOs and business practices where it hurts: in their financial returns through company sales!
Form an advisory board (with such people as Dylan Rattgan, Robert Reich, Bruce Bartlett, Ariana Huffington, Paul Krugman, David Brooks) to establish criteria by which to measure corporate behavior and to identify companies that should have their products/services boycotted. This criteria needs to carefully established.
3) Fire Your Senator/Congressman - Support "Safe Banking Act" legislation (Sen. Brown and Kaufman) to break-up the big banks. If banks were too big to fail in 2008, they are even bigger today. In addition, their behavior has not changed and we'll most assuredly have a repeat of the financial crisis of 2008, yet, next time we'll have no ability or interest in bailing them out. Rather than 9 percent unemployment, we may face 15 percent or even higher.
Require a vote in Washington on the Safe Banking Act. Any senator/congressman who does not support it - fire them! Mobilize to vote them out and bring political pressure at every turn. The "Safe Banking Act" should be a litmus test for anyone in Washington wanting to keep their job.
These 3 steps are concrete, specific, and get to the heart of the crisis we face today in America. There may be other issues that people will want to address, but rather than a 10-point plan that only muddles our message, stay focused, accomplish the above, and move on to our next priority list.
"We are fighting for our liberty, property, and life” - Ethan Allen (Green Mountain Boys of Vermont)
GreenMountainBoys Great post- the only thing that might work, is for every branch of OWS to have their own plan. an organization that operates in parallel. No chain of command- on leader structure-. but all branches have a common vision. You plan will motivate your local group to implement it, much better then if you were following a plan from the ivory tower.
With regards to business ethics, you can start here:
These bastards need help.
The Revolution starts here!
Have you read the 99% Declaration? It contains a suggested List of Grievances and a "revolutionary" process to produce the desired results.