Forum Post: A call for a new party: Party of the "Via Media!"
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 11 p.m. EST by seagull
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
A call for a new party: Call it the party of the "Via Media," or something that has to do with 'middle road.'
No corporations can donate; no unions either.
Tax companies based on the amount of foreign products they sell.
Tax companies based on the amount of labor they outsource overseas.
In this country, if you cannot send your representatives to the Capital Hill to replace those incumbents, then your voice will have no power. The current environment is the best time for a new party!
How else are we going to fix the problems? Both sides are so entrenched. They will never give in especially with money influencing their decisions
Party Politics is too easily corrupted. We saw it during the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution. And we know firsthand with our own political parties how easily the few will manipulate the small.
Forget political parties. Just be yourself.
Yes... And grow your own food, build your own home, manufacture your own computer, synthesize your own medicine, and move to the island of Robinson Crusoe, where you can live your individualistic life alone.
No. Just realize you don't need those things.
But you need, since you're using a computer right now.
No. Just wasting my time. Never said I was the shining light of humanity.