Forum Post: a bit more focus please
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 6 a.m. EST by barmyarmy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Look, you're spreading the message too thinly. Focus on what 99% of the people know to be the truth - that the major financial institutions of the USA (and elsewhere, but let's keep the focus) got away with blue-murder over the last 20 or so years and no-one except the 99% has paid any penalty for it.
You're allowing that basic truth to get lost in a lot of reheated anti-business sentiment which, whilst not necessarily unjustified in many cases, is not actually the case in point.
If you don't focus on a clear goal, your opponents will use (are using) these 'peripheral' complaints against you. This will prevent you from building any momentum.
The facts are with you, don't let your own sentiment derail you.
Agreed, but the only reason they are getting away with it, is because our government is letting them. It has been going on long before 20 or so years. It's been 100 years since the bankers cemented the buying of our public servants. The Federal Reserve is no more Federal then Federal Express. It is a private corporation in control of our economy, and refuses to allow an audit. Or even admit where the stimulus money really went.