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Forum Post: A Bad Conquest

Posted 7 years ago on June 7, 2017, 10:12 a.m. EST by agkaiser (2557) from Fredericksburg, TX
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The human story is one of conquest. Therefore, it will come to a bad end. When too many raid or raiders kill all the producers and there's nothing left to steal, such an economy will fail. Those who depend on it will die.

It's not just military conquest. Economic conquest, since the time of Joseph in Egypt, has been more devastating because less recognized as a threat.

Usurers and rentiers are not seen as conquerors and economy/livelihood destroyers. Yet they live by raiding their neighbors hard works and do no productive thing, just like military or terrorist raiders. They take until there is no more. How can such a world continue, when everyone takes from those who make until the latter are no more. Slaves die when masters take everything and leave nothing for the former to live on.

The poor in Africa starve, while the poor in America live ten years less than average and suffer from malnutrition related diseases like diabetes. The middle class are languishing and only the top ten percent are doing well in the market economy.

Yet conservatives always imagine a dystopia worse than the one they impose by their greed if the system could be changed to improve lives at the bottom. They think no one sees through their libertarian sophistry and hypocrisy.

Everything is what conservatives want for themselves. They don't think far enough ahead to see that when they have it, those of us who actually do the work to make it will die. In the end, as in the beginning, the cons will have conned themselves. And the human race will be extinct.



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[-] 1 points by agkaiser (2557) from Fredericksburg, TX 7 years ago

The FIRE sector is all a scam to have us do the work and the Wall St plutocrats to take the produce we make as the profit on loans and investments etc.

- Everything is what conservatives want for themselves. They don't think far enough ahead to see that when they have it, those of us who actually do the work to make it will die. In the end, as in the beginning, the cons will have conned themselves. And the human race will be extinct.

[-] 1 points by agkaiser (2557) from Fredericksburg, TX 7 years ago

Conservatives think no one sees through their libertarian sophistry and hypocrisy.