Forum Post: a 4 year old
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 11, 2011, 10:20 a.m. EST by Karl99
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
A 4 year old and her father are downtown DC and see the DC occupiers protesting. The 4 year says 'Daddy why are those people so angry?' The dad replies, 'well they believe that the world is unfair that they want to get their share of surprises and presents'. 'What do they do to get their surprises and presents?' says the little kid. 'Well' says the Dad, 'this is what they do', as he points to the occupy camp. Just then a breeze kicks up and the dad and child smell a horrible stench. 'Oh, i get it ', says the child, ' its like when a poop in the toilet i get a surprise'. The child looks around and thinks a little more, 'But then, i don't think they', continues the child, ' will be getting anything'.
I walked around the encampment in NY a few days ago with my 5yr old. He wanted to know what was going on. We had a long discussion. I tried to explain to him the basics of economics, what the "government" is, some discussion of politics. It's very hard explaining these things to a 5yr old. But they have intuition. After looking at the scene and talking it over his final conclusion was: "So, what they want is for him (the policeman nearby) to take our money and give it to them, right? Why don't they go to the bank and get their own money".
lol, great comeback
exactly right Mr MikeYD, that's a shovel ready job
The problem with this fable is the father who is a bad teacher. The child learned nothing because her father did not understand the problem, and therefor was unable to impart true knowledge to his daughter.
Every political and economic system has the potentiality to be improved, and US citizens have a beautiful gift in that their constitution permits them to protest and to make their voices heard. Without the right to protest, US would not be what it is today, it would resemble a lame country where the rights and freedoms of many would be in a sad state of affairs.
We celebrate veterans for the protection they give us so that we can remain a sovereign nation with our rights intact. We should also celebrate protesters for the work they have done in getting those rights in the first place. Black people can take the bus today because Rosa Parks once occupied.
Thrasymaque. You sound like a reasonable person and i get your point, other countries have it so much worse . Do these occupiers even understand that ? (probably not they either homeless, drugged up, communist , stupid white liberals). But my fable is just a joke as i find these protesters very funny.
If you find these protesters funny, it is because you do not understand the true beauty of America.
I do not agree with anarchy and the world some of these protesters are imagining. I find many of these ideas to be utopic; they look much nicer in book form than in practice.
However, I would never mock them for what they are doing. Some of these people have sacrificed everything for what they believe, and that is the true beauty of America. Like soldiers who fight on the front lines, they have to sleep in horrendous conditions. Like veterans coming back from Vietnam, they have to face the mockery of the simple minded like you. Yet, they stand. They do not fall.
What do you do Mr. Karl? You mock them with a badly written fable. And, for what? Because you flatter your little ego and those of your troll friends. Look, we are so clever! Look at the insults we can spit on these people. Isn't it so easy! Yes, very very easy. Too easy. And, that is the problem.
Rosa Parks was also laughed at by some, but those who once laughed have long since been forgotten, just like those who spat on the veterans returning from Vietnam. Today, you are a shame for America and its principles, but luckily, tomorrow, you will also be forgotten.
How come when I disliked Karl99's post it gave him a point?
I don't know. That never happened to me.
You are comparing these occupiers to our solders ! Hilarious, that's why i find this whole occupy thing funny as heck.
you wanna know what's even more hilarious? your head is in your ass karl99; no wonder you're so blind.
Hey Mr Crack, is that all you've got? Resorting to foul language because you have nothing to say.
I'm sorry, did i say ass? i guess what i really meant to say was anus, or rectum, depending on which side of the politically correct coin you reside....
Mr Crack, i'm getting a visual, you are a twenty something white male , maybe college educated. You like wearing a bandanna over your face and run around acting like a revolutionary...Good luck with that!
You also forgot the part where i have a banana in each hand.
Yes, soldiers fight so that we can keep our land and its values. Protesters fight so that we can achieve better values and thus a better society. Those who stand oppression, whether it be in a military uniform with stars or those who protest in the middle of makeshift encampments, should all be honored.
Protesters made America what is it today. Soldiers defend what those protesters have made.
You find Occupy funny because you are simple minded. I am Canadian and I cherish and understand the worth of America more than you do. You should feel shame for laughing at these protesters, because it is the same as laughing directly at your right of free speech. Perhaps there will come a day when you understand this. We only hope. Until then, your simple mind blurs your vision.
But you have to remember,you are espousing YOUR values. Not everyone has the same values but yet OWS is trying to force THEIR values and what THEY think is better on the rest of us. Not very open minded if you ask me.
They are not trying to force anything. They have a system of consensus in which you can take part.
I am not saying occupiers are perfect, everyone is human. You spit on them all because of a few bad apples. Would you do the same for veterans? I just read the story of some US soldiers who raped and killed a young 14 year old and the rest of her family. Does that mean we should spit on all soldiers? Instead, you show them utter respect, which I agree with. If you look at all Occupy factions across the world, there are only a few occupiers who have done things in a forceful way. Most have been very pacific.
My point is that we should fight for protesters to have the right to protest. That means you can go right there and protest against them if you want. I have no problem with those who do that, or those who write strong arguments against OWS, but it's lame when you just spit on them with boring and repetitious insults.
Look in the mirror.
That makes no sense. But, OK. Hmm... I think I must shave.
If you are for free speech why are you calling me simple minded instead of arguing rationally? Don't you see the humor there? I do.
I call you simple minded because you aren't even capable of realizing that there are numerous rational arguments I have posted just above. What you see as an insult, I see as fact. Have you not ever called someone smart, strong, fast, or something else of the sort? It's very similar.
Actually it's quite juvenile and I would expect better from someone who tries to lay out a logical argument. I'm not surprised though,OWS tends to hate on and insult anyone with differing views. Rather arrogant isn't it?
Calling someone who is simple minded simple minded is not juvenile. It's a statement of fact. Read his posts.
Again i find you hilarious-- it is a statement of fact. That's so liberal of you to say that. Did you see midnight in Paris by Woody Allen? You would be the Paul character. Look it up.
I know the movie. Paul's cool.
Excuse me,I meant to say arrogant and juvenile. Oh mighty Canadian who can know a person completely by their posts. You condemn insults and then insult someone you don't know. Yes,that's juvenile,arrogant,and unproductive.
I'll agree it might be arrogant. I don't think it's unproductive if it can help shut the trap of a troll. The only thing they do is repeat copy/pasted posts and the same ideas over and over again. And, no, I have no problems with insults. You can insult me that's fine. The problem I have is with uncreative insults. If you want to insult me, give me something to think about. The trolls just keep saying the same things. They joke about poop like 3 year old simple minded children. Hey look, I said it again.
My kid and I went to the beach today, and he asked me how far out the water goes.
We got our surprise from Wall Street. It was called the subprime lending crises. Now it's time for us to bring some presents and surprises.
you do understand that the subprime lending was the direct result of Bill Clintons policy, don't you?
No. I'm not a right-wing zombie.
of course it has to be right wing zombies, god knows facts have nothing to so with it.
My 6 year old asked why all the businesses were closing and why so many people were becoming homeless about a year ago. Do you know what her response was? We should protest! (I'm completely serious)
i'm sure that your 6 year old is a wonderful child. But maybe you should tell him/her that you will vote out Obama next November and get rid of all of the anti business policies, then business won't be shutting down.
She is well aware of what is going on in the presidency. However, the economic crisis happened long before Obama was elected.
REgardless of when it started, Obama's policies are prolonging the recession.
I don't disagree, but there is no one in the GOP who is capable of fixing the problem, either.
We need another FDR.
We need a new NEW DEAL! Pretty much all they would have to do is dig it up out the trunk and update it. It isn't like we haven't solved this same problem before.
have you read My Pet Goat?
My two cents! Show this to the four year old.
Read Zen Gardner's article after watching the above video -live link under video
This post hurts my heart...
As well it should ... )-:
I started following national politics when I was five... well, thanks to TV, so your scenario is not unrealistic.