Forum Post: A 1%er with some answers.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 4:04 p.m. EST by BonaFidePublius
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Hi, im apart of the 1 percent not in the financial industry with a few tips. Feel free to ask me questions to explain further.
If the 99% really desires to succeed, they need to set apart political ideologies and go at the head of the monster, the banks and more importantly, the Federal Reserve. None of the political aspects such as universal healthcare or other dubious laws are really going to work, because the whole system itself is fueled by a few men. If Occupy Wall Streeters can hold true to the real reason of the movement, to get rid of the fat cats, then it is possible to gain a hold of Republicans in the movement, greatly increasing the chance of success.
Give me your take on free trade.
Trade agreements such as NAFTA and CAFTA have completely ruined Latin America. Last summer when i was in Nicaragua, almost every Nicaraguan I talked to had many hateful feelings towards the USA to say the least due to these trade agreements. The outsourcing of jobs to these countries also leads to the countries competing against each other to provide the lowest wages and restrictions, leading to jobs, but poverty nonetheless. Also, the agreements are the main contributors to the massive levels of migration and unemployment issues arising in the countries.
You just gained a lot of points with me so far. Now what about the impact to the US?
decrease in manufacturing jobs, which I'm sure many unemployed Americans would be dying for right now. But essentially, trade agreements are for the corporations to make more profits while paying less for the assembly of their products. This extra money is not necessarily used to actually increase job growth in America, but rather is used to increases the wealth of the few owning the company. The biggest ordeal though is the fat that Latin America is crumbling due to these gradually enforced agreements, which should be fully implemented within the next few years, which means the poverty will only increase like it has in Mexico since the late 90's.
You are a man, (or woman) after my own heart. Why do so few understand this? And yes that is forcing Mexicans and other C,S Americans here to avoid starvation.
We have become a people ignorant to history, and driven by greed. We can send people to the moon, and build large machines for war, but cannot feed everyone in the world. As President Eisenhower, the military general, said himself, "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."
I really hope OWS can move toward a concise focus directed at the root of so many 99%'s grievances - money in politics. I'm advocating the single demand of prohibiting private spending on public campaigns. I think this issue will have the most wide reaching impact, gain the broadest support, and will allow the 99% to participate meaningfully as both candidates and voters. Right now I can only think of two ways to get there and or join the discussion at //
Another problem is the fact that Americans do not show up in elections, which is essential for Democracy. Since many Americans do not even give financial support for campaigns, officials are not closely held accountable for their actions. Furthermore, campaigns are primarily funded by large corporations who buy out both candidates that leads to them getting their say either way. However, this wont be changed because every politician is benefiting from it (minus Ron Lawl), and the corruption is rooted much deeper than these monopolized few lending money. So, in that regard, I agree with you to an extent, but this is not the only thing that should be sought after.
Are the low voter turn outs a cause or a result?...I'd argue that political efficacy is so low in America because everyone knows that DC is bought...this in turn, discourages people from participating.
Moreover, the fact that this is such a seemingly impossible issue to change really testifies to its importance. I'd love to see the momentum this movement is gaining create lasting change. And I also agree that its not the only thing that should be sought after, but imho the most important.
I think its a little of both. America has become increasingly more unaware of the political situation mainly because people do not care. Americans believe issues do not effect them to an extent worth fighting for because their lives are to busy. Furthermore, Americans are much stupider than ever before and ignorantly stay with their current political ideologies without listening to opposing views. I believe this has a lot to do with the schooling system, which preaches systematic, logical approaches towards solutions above creative critical thinking where an individual can grow in knowledge.
Great point! "Violence is to a dictatorship as thought control is to a democracy" Noam Chomsky
Tyranny naturally arises out of democracy --Plato It is interesting how many great philosophers foresaw current crisis's. Among others, Jefferson, Lincoln, Einstein and Franklin all have interesting and noteworthy views in regard with their fears of ignorance and the American people.
Can you loan me about $100k?
you answered one of my questions: do you need typing skills to make it to the 1%?
hard work for many years and a bit of luck gets you into the 1% club.
mainly hard work.
Yeah it takes hard work and dedication, however this isn't the issue. Getting to the top and essentially being able to make money is what this country is founded on, but corruption and Democracy run hand in hand. The key, is to limit corruption while providing fair opportunity for all, which is not occurring under our current system.
Very very true. People cannot hate on our current system too much, because we have been making a mockery of this democracy for decades. Just see the 86.4% re-election rate of all incumbents in 2010.....
The two party system also discriminates heavily on any opposing view. No, we shouldn't have lunatics running for office, but the lesser of two evils approach is definitely not the solution.
Ya, I would have to say lesser-of-two thinking is possibly the dumbest fuckin thing to have ever entered voter's minds...
Yep. it filters out a lot of the good politicians who are not bought out by corporation funding, and creates further incentive to only follow party lines rather than what a politician may believe is right for the country.
I agree and here is how: Get internet voting going, make a list of demands, withhold taxes, attack their shit relentlessly, until you get your way.
It will never be handed to you.
More ideas
Internet voting is good, however it is only a follow up solution that wouldn't lead to quick enough or indefinite change in the system.