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Forum Post: ____ Need my fellow 99%'ers Help.. ( and TIA)....___

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 29, 2011, 1:05 p.m. EST by Marlow (1141)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I have been working hard to get this On Line petition to Stop Corruption on Wall Street circulated on the Net.. and I only have so many Colleagues that own Financial Web Sites attacking Injustice in the Market to get this Posted everywhere it can Help. Helping those who Cant 'Beat the Street' with the #ows for many reasons... This Petition has the Approval of the #ows Press staff, and they promised to get it sent to those in the Camps .. but it's slow going.. ....Brings me to you ...

Please take a minute to Sign, and send the link to 'Friends', or anyone you can on FB, Twitter, ..etc... .. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/8/stop-the-corruption-on-wall-street/

I am the Editor of Investors4Justice.net.. and have worked for over 40 years to make this a Better World, protesting, writing, entertaining, on Stage, in Print, on the radio.. and this Site is now my greatest Effort to Bring Justice Back to a Market Chock Full of Criminals.. and Their abuse of the laws that WERE in place to keep them honest..

Many of us are doing our part to support the 99% Around the World.. This is mine, and about 30 other contributing researchers combined Efforts. I would so Appreciate your help in getting the Word out about 'The Petition' to Stop the Crooks.. This is for all those who want to be apart of this Historical Movement.

my sincere thanks, Marlow/ editor

(Note** ..If you cant remember the Link name, just google.. ..'Stop the Corruption on Wall Street'.. open the first two links..)



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[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 13 years ago

'The Petition' to Stop the Corruption on Wall Street, is about Getting Goldman Sachs Audited, and Indicted... no longer merely Fined, as Every Single investigation into this Company has proved GS to Be Criminally at Fault. .. But THIS Time we Want Jail Time for those found guilty!


[-] 1 points by Redmist (212) from Yazd, Yazd 13 years ago

I will sign it....Wait what was it for?


[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 13 years ago

(Laffn).. Always Read before Signing Anything.. didnt your Parents tell you that?

TY, and have a wonderful Day... Marlow/

[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 13 years ago

Wonderful Link addition to this thread. TY derek, and so eloquent in it's presentation. I , on the other hand am a retired Columnist from the Bay Area, (S.F), and have a 'Style' of writing that does come off a bit 'Erma Bombeck-ish', (the Norman Rockwell of writers.).. That said, your link provides exactly what i have been touting against, and is a welcome addition to educate the outraged masses. ... ...For the Past 45 years, Corruption has been allowed to prosper just under our noses. Slowly gaining in acceptance by the Politicians and those they put in place of Authority. Every Corporation had a hand in who we voted for. Slowly,... We lost complete control of our Country. ... .... And for those who think this is Still a Democracy, take another Good look around,... we are under 'Corporate Dictatorship'.

No different than a 3rd world Country held hostage by the Money Holders.. ( at least they weren't arrogant enough to tell their people, they were ' Job Makers'..)

This IS an Economic War, and the 99% fighting in it.. Wont tell you Otherwise!


Best to you, ... and this is the Proudest i have been of my Country in a Long, Long Time!

[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 13 years ago

The Most important Reason of All.. for Every single 99%'er in the World to sign this Petition on line is.. it will force the Administration AND Congress to take notice ( which one other past petition we sent them did.. cause 4 investigations by the SEC and Congressional Oversight Committee)...... To take notice and if even ONE investigation has a finding of Fraud.. ( which WILL be the Case).. .....We have the Proof we need to take a Class Action Suit against GS, or any other Financial Bank.. If not a 99% Class Action for Corruption, then a Call for Indictments of TREASON!

..All we need, is the #ows continuance in movement, and a single Petition signed by all.. 'The Petition' calls for Indictments.. not Rose petals filled with 'Fines' tossed at their feet!

[-] 1 points by derek (302) 13 years ago

A related idea about academia: http://www.responsiblefinance.ch/appeal/ "The authors of this appeal are deeply concerned that more than three years since the outbreak of the financial and macroeconomic crisis that highlighted the pitfalls, limitations, dangers and responsibilities of main-stream thought in economics, finance and management, the quasi-monopolistic position of such thought within the academic world nevertheless remains largely unchallenged. This situation reflects the institutional power that the unconditional proponents of main-stream thought continue to exert on university teaching and research. This domination, propagated by the so-called top universities, dates back at least a quarter of a century and is effectively global. However, the very fact that this paradigm persists despite the current crisis, highlights the extent of its power and the dangerousness of its dogmatic character. Teachers and researchers, the signatories of the appeal, assert that this situation restricts the fecundity of research and teaching in economics, finance and management, diverting them as it does from issues critical to society."