Forum Post: 99% we can make the changes need to take our country back
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 11:43 a.m. EST by rstewart54
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if we start a movement now to elect new officials the message will get to our elected officials in a hurry. leave party lines out of it if they are in office now they are gone!!! Officials that want to depend on lobyists to fund them will not be tolerated I know there will be contriversy on this But if we make a clean sweep in all areas of government a message will be sent loud and clear that 99% is the majority
I agree. Completely. They are not doing their jobs, fighting all the time, blaming everyone else for their lack of action. Didn't the unemployment problem start years ago - and they've just passed a law for tax breaks to hire veterans??!!! FIRE THEM ALL.