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Forum Post: 99% Unite for Affect or.......... ?

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 3, 2011, 9:29 a.m. EST by xAnonymousx (32)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

OWS It is time that we make our first demand. Until now being everyone and no-one all at the same time has had a great unifying effect on the movement erring on the side of inclusive rather than exclusive,but it is time that we gain focus and make the 1 and only reasonable 1st. demand of our leaders that will make possible any of the future changes, that we have made consensus on. Before the Leaders & Lawmakers of this country will ever give our voice the weight in law that it deserves, $$-MONEY-$$ must be removed from politics. Yes this seems like a broad generalization ,but I assure you it's not. Anytime someone in Gov. tells you it's too complicated for you to understand, they usually mean, they have added their own complexities in hopes of confusing the issue. IN Chaos theory, there is a great deal of difference between Complex and Complicated, and this is by no means complicated. WE MUST DEMAND it to be made in to Law that any attempt to influence a GOV. official with anything of value beyond information, which of course would be under full disclosure laws, is a crime....For the Giver and the Receiver, the penalties for such a crime must be of the magnitude, that it would not be risked casually as a cost of doing business. This would include everything... Absolving of debts (Past)...to tickets to the Redskins (Present) or Positions of employment (Future)....anything of value........... Of course our Constitution allows for lobbying Washington, but it appears it's went from a lobbyist bringing a batch of cookies made by his wife to town with him to future guaranteed speaking engagements @ 60K a pop, pedaling the idea of connected influence with a system they should not be able to hold sway over.....Heres the How..we need U.S. Occupy Unity in mass,and the collective signatures on a petition,and the numbers need to be huge...Dilan Rattigan of MSNBC has a website with some ideas in this direction, maybe we can join on to that and give him a bit more clarity and power, his daily show, to educate communicate and inform...which will result in the money needed to organize and proceed, and the movement only being given strength due to our collective addition to his numbers, gives us the rudder to steer it's direction...and ALL MONEY OUT, is the only acceptable solution...Then and only then...will we be able to address the numerous problems we are suffering due mostly to this very corruption. Changing the players in this game will have no bearing, it's the bastardized rules that must be changed first before "We the People's" voice will be given back the control of our path as it was originally intended.... TRANSLATION = quit fuck*ng around kids you're starting to appear like a bunch of ADD victims. the T-baggers had finance and organizational backers with the nuts from Freedomworks,etc etc ..someone needs to contact the Union Leaders, they have a network,and great organizing skills, put em to work for you.....GET THE MONEY OUT 1st....or all the rest of it is just a bunch hippies with bongos randomly getting arrested on a regular basis...NOT REAL SMART,and NOT going to affect change.




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[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

Yes, it tops the suggested List of Grievances that delegates will be working on in the run up to the National General Assembly in July. One way or the other, the NGA will get the job done but people here have to start promoting it. At this point OWS should only demand one thing...


and you aren't demanding that from any elected politician, it's a demand on the unelected de-facto leaders of OWS, the NYCGA.
