Forum Post: 99% ??? Then get jobs!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 5, 2011, 8:37 a.m. EST by Charmcityguy
from Cockeysville, MD
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The majority of this county are working class people. If you all are 99%, then why aren't you at work contributing to society? You all are pathetic lazy simple minded fools.
Haha! The lazy idiots couldn't hold a job dependably unless the jobs was to smoke pot!
Hey moron GIVES US JOBS! There are NO jobs!
You are such a douchebag
the white collar got the bailouts. reform that entitlement.
If we are so lazy HOW are we working so hard ON THIS
Ramous, I am sure you are a fabricated person. I see you same note pasted on many postings. Your story sounds way too fake, and I'm sure your just a lazy liberal pasting this story on forums.
We are doing our local camp in shifts so we can work 8 hours, protest 8, go home 8 and take our trash (and poop) with us to dispose of. I have always worked two jobs. I am a Mexican legal immigrant who came 19 years ago, stayed and became a citizen. I have two sons, one in college and one in the military. I came to OWS after being in the Tea Party, and am still working with them. (pretty much similar things we are figthing for, just different ways to go about it.) I am rich beyond money, and that is why I am doing this, because I lived the dream and they want to rob everyone of it.
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