Forum Post: 99% Solution to the 1%
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 1:17 p.m. EST by alwayshardworkin
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If the 1% believe its fair to control the money of 99% of the people why would it not be reasonable for the 99% to stand against them, take them out of the equation and redistribute their assests to those who are actually an integral part of society?
We can do it without resorting to force, or even law. We just have to spend our money with co-ops instead of "normal" corporations. Co-ops are owned by the 99%, not the 1%. Put profits in the pockets of the people!
I am one of the 99%. Well, actually part of the 53% that actually pay Fed Income Tax. I am also a small biz owner. I't always a great day for my company and employees when we get an order for products from a 1%-er. Same thing when I used to do home remodelling. My crew and I could make more money remodelling 1 room of a 1%-er than we could working on 20 average homes. I wish there were MANY more rich folks in this coutry.
I agree with you I am also a contractor, but have never had a job from a 1% individual that is how rare they are, I did a job for an NBA player once but it was all very controlled by lawyers. I also bill very reasonably,never trying to get rich off of one job, always quality and believe in another job down the road just difficult when everyone is losing their homes and jobs. I had three homes, now just two, can't afford them and have to move out of the home I built because there are very few jobs.
I am a business owner, just like it says, always hardworking! Don't be ignorant people!
Your numbers are incorrect. As for the other..... At that point you would become an enemy. The 99% really are not 99% of us. It's a much smaller number. When you did try to go after the 1% you'd find an entire army waiting for you. Would be a good end to this "movement".
The USA invades countries that don't necessarily deserve it but they kill innocent people does an individual who only hoardes money deserve to live while there are millions of people starving in the world because they are selfish....I don't have much money but I would give the shirt off of my back to help someone who needed it because that is called humanity!
And the 1% give millions to charities. Saying someone needs to die because they have a lot of money isn't very humane. Taking what someone else earned and distributing as YOU see fit isn't right either. If I make $500k and I want to keep it all then I should be able to. I earned it. What I do or don't do with it isn't anyone's business but my own. Try to take it and you'll draw back a nub.
not all of them do!
Not all of them what? Give to charity or need to die. None of them are required to give anything away. And all of them deserve to live. So again, what's your point? Why do you say that the 1% don't "deserve to live"? That's pretty harsh.
Redistribute their assets? - Do you mean steal their assets and give it to someone you deem worthy?
"... to those who are actually an integral part of society?" - Huh? Are you saying all of the "99%" are integral to our society? There are a lot of freeloaders and people who add nothing to society. More by the day.
The richest man in the world lives in Mexico he owns something like 67 billion dollars, does one individual need all that money that they could never spend in their lifetime while there are people all over the world starving to death and all the hard working people of the world are losing their homes?
That's one extreme. The billionaires are a tiny fraction of even your 1%. But seriously, where do you draw the line? Just take all but your definition of a resonable existence and leave the rest?
I personally only know of a few millionaires (less than $10 million net worth I would estimate). Probably part of your "1%". Every single one I know got there through hard work and determination. They did not game the system, buy a politician or screw anyone to get what they have. They are not greedy. They expended their labor and time, their lifetime of work on this planet, to get their reward. It's theirs. Keep your hands off!
I have earned everything I have as well, but I don't believe that 1% should control the money flow or the way the world does business...the people should. Sure, its a radical idea but so is allowing millions to die because no one cares~