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Forum Post: 99 rise time to vote

Posted 10 years ago on Nov. 3, 2014, 8:55 p.m. EST by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Time to vote. Here is some voter info. Good luck.


This is it. Tomorrow is E-Day. 17 DAYS AGO, 99Rise leader Kai Newkirk started fasting to call on all of us - the pro-democracy movement - to pledge to take a stand against corruption at the polls. Since that day, we've reached tens of thousands of people across the country with our message, many of you have taken the Democracy Voter Pledge, and over 50 people across the country from Sacramento to Houston to Holly, North Carolina have given up food for at least a day to lift up the urgency of using the power of the ballot to support pro-democracy candidates who will fight to end corruption. Now it's time for the final push. If you haven't already, sign the Democracy Voter Pledge and share it with your network right now. If you have pledged, make a plan for when you're going to vote tomorrow and ask 5 family or friends to join you or tell you their plan. If you're wondering who the pro-democracy candidates to support are, check out our Democracy Voter Guides. Tomorrow, we must turn out in force for pro-democracy candidates who will fight to end corruption. When you do vote, take a picture with your "I Voted" sticker and your index finger lifted up for "one person, one vote" - and post it to the 99Rise Facebook Page so we can share it. Every day now we hear about more millions being dumped into this election. Usually from unknown sources. No doubt this will be most expensive, big money-drenched midterm election in the history of the US of A. It's easy to see why almost 60% of voting age Americans won't cast their ballots - the corruption of our system is so painfully obvious. But we can't afford to just concede our government to the plutocrats. Let's do everything we can to mobilize the pro-democracy vote to the polls tomorrow. But no matter what the results are, we've already won an important victory. The sacrifice and hard work of this campaign is a big step forward in our fight to show that any candidate or politician who stands for corruption is going to have to deal with a movement of democracy defenders that mean business. Thank you so much for doing your part. We'll see you at the polls - and in the fight ahead. In Solidarity, Danielle

http://www.99rise.org/ 99Rise is a grassroots network of organizers building the movement to reclaim democracy from big money through strategic nonviolent action. Keep up with us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!

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[-] 3 points by ShadzSixtySix (1936) 10 years ago

'None of the Above' - Be a Passionate Voter for Justice'', by Ralph Nader :

such actions may help ''reclaim democracy from big money through strategic nonviolent action'' !!!

spero meliora ...

[-] 1 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 10 years ago

site looks good !! gs ... is it yours ?

[-] 3 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 10 years ago

No, Brad, it is not mine, I just forwarded from my in box. Hope it is ok, wanted to pass it on ..... Hope the format looks ok.

vote, people.

Ps I wish this site would open up again. I can't get all the important news here as before.

Glad you looked at the info. Take care.