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Forum Post: 99% podcast, episode 2

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 6:49 a.m. EST by 99PRECENTPOD (6)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Ello, brothers & sisters here's the second episode of the 99% podcast, enjoy.


99% Podcast episode 2 - sounds from the Evolution (99%POD#02)

The 99% podcast is 60 minute nonprofit, DIY project. The Occupy Movement is becoming a global phenomenon at this moment. More and More people get inspired, some camp, others write, i choose to make a podcast. In this episode most media bits are from the USA and almost all music is newly made by artists who Also are inspired by the Occupy Movement, i want to thank all artist who send me sound files, keep them coming. I could not fit all music in this episode, but fear not episode 3 is already in the pipeline. All Camping Brothers & Sisters out there be save, stay warm, and keep your strength up.

Power to the peaceful,



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