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Forum Post: 99% of what

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 12:36 a.m. EST by Kickinthenuts (212)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Homeless? Dope smokers? Campers? Public urinators? Complainers? Under achievers? Non voters? Welfare recipients?



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[-] 3 points by me2 (534) 13 years ago

I am pretty sure it is 99% of 100%.


[-] 0 points by RexDiamond (585) from Idabel, OK 13 years ago

Pretty sure huh?

[-] 1 points by me2 (534) 13 years ago

Give or take a few.

[-] 0 points by RexDiamond (585) from Idabel, OK 13 years ago

What if you mom makes you stay home or you get grounded?

[-] 1 points by me2 (534) 13 years ago

What the fuck are you talking about?

[-] 0 points by RexDiamond (585) from Idabel, OK 13 years ago

I could ask you the same question.

[-] 1 points by me2 (534) 13 years ago

I made what we in the know sometimes refer to as a "math joke." You see, 99% by definition can only be 99% of 100%. The original poster asked, 99% of what? And now you're talking about my mother or some shit and the other one is calling me names and accuses me of camping in parks, smoking dope and all this. If we were sitting in a room together I'd be walking slowly backwards away from you all.

On account of you are fucking insane even for the internet.

[-] 0 points by RexDiamond (585) from Idabel, OK 13 years ago

Ha ha. I thought you were actually under the impression OWS had 99 percent backing. I did not pick up on your sarcasm. My apologies.

[+] -5 points by Kickinthenuts (212) 13 years ago

Good one dipstick. Are u one of the homeless campers also? What percentage are you representing?

[-] 3 points by me2 (534) 13 years ago

I'm in the percentage that spells "u" y-o-u and who would put a comma between "one" and "dipstick" to ensure my childish name calling was grammatically correct.

[-] -2 points by Kickinthenuts (212) 13 years ago

Thank you for the grammar and spelling lesson. I'll add the additional category of English teacher. Would you mind reviewing drafts of all my comments before I post them?

[-] 0 points by me2 (534) 13 years ago

It's called readin' writin' and 'rithmetic and I'm afraid you're going to have to develop some self sufficiency on this one, I'm far to busy to be providing handouts here.

[-] 0 points by Kickinthenuts (212) 13 years ago

Why don't you get busy motivating people to vote. Camping in the parks and smoking dope does not motivate politicians to make change.

[-] 1 points by me2 (534) 13 years ago

You seem to have mistaken me for someone else.

[-] 2 points by brightonsage (4494) 13 years ago

I am not sure, but whatever it is, it does include you. Pretty obvious you aren't in the 1%.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

His hallucinations are in the .01%

http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/ What kind of creeps do what Paterno did?

There is a reason that Paterno decided to not help the kids who Sanduskey would molest after the incident told to him by his assistant. This is the American culture. While Americans wave their flag and go to church, they observe and protect child molesters.The victims of sex crimes are destroyed when they report the crime in America. It happened to Casey Anthony when her father squirmed and lied under oath when he was being examined by defense counsel Baez.

If I was falsely accused by my daughter I would attack. I wouldn't dodge questions. American courts are still practicing the art of witch hunts. No innocent person pays off the accuser or pleads guilty for crimes they didn't commit. If Paterno is charged for his crime, it is less likely this type of thing will happen again. When privileged people know they will be held to account for their crimes, a person like Strauss-Kahn is less likely to be set free after he raped the hotel maid.

The idea that any allegation of past conduct of the victim will protect the perpetrator is irrational and bizarre, but the establishment accepts crimes by the privileged. None of this is secret and its accepted as normal.

Americans are so arrogant that they prefer to not know the truth when they believe molesters and traitors would embarrass them. That's exactly what Michael Moore stated during his question period at the Miami Book Expo. "I don't want to believe that," he replied about the 9/11 Bush attack. The victims cover up to protect the perpetrators. That is irrational and only creeps would lack the dignity to demand justice from the obvious perpetrators.

[-] 0 points by happybanker (766) 13 years ago

Steve you have admitted that you are a convicted felon who spent 9 years in prison for extortion. Why are you looking for your next prey here?

[-] -1 points by Kickinthenuts (212) 13 years ago

Why is it obvious I'm not in the 1%?

[-] 2 points by nucleus (3291) 13 years ago

Judging from your lack of intelligence you could very well be in the top 1% - of idiots.

[-] 1 points by RexDiamond (585) from Idabel, OK 13 years ago

So you are basically saying that the 1 percent is more intelligent than you.

[-] 1 points by brightonsage (4494) 13 years ago

Yep, it's obvious. The 1% work so hard for their wealth that they would be much too tired to waste time kicking the bee hive that is going to cause them to do less work for less income. Besides, most them have a good education, wannabe1%er.

[-] -1 points by Kickinthenuts (212) 13 years ago

??? I have no idea what you are talking about. You are clearly delusional. You'd have no idea what percent I am of anything. If you r in the beehive, let me know so I can kick extra hard

[-] 1 points by brightonsage (4494) 13 years ago

Gee, and you had such good guesses to your own question, too.

If one of those is what you believe 99% of America is, one would wonder what you think the 1% is. Would you care to guess on that one?

(Anyone reading you user name would immediately know you are a sincere and caring, person.)

How long have you been perfectly satisfied with the state of the USA?

[-] 0 points by Kickinthenuts (212) 13 years ago

Never have I been completely satisfied. That's why I vote. Don't believe any of those r 99% of America dufus. Simply wondering which of those groups ows is 99% of. Ows lost me in the first week when CNN was interviewing someone who couldn't define what ows was trying to accomplish and there was a guy sitting within 10 ft of thhem very clearly smoking dope. Get a job. Start a business. Vote. Do something productive

[-] 1 points by brightonsage (4494) 13 years ago

Done all of those things, for a lot longer and more times than you have.

I doubt you were on board for whole week. If you don't like economic segmentation to help define the economic issues that most people recognize as serious, pick other criteria. Our trajectory seems to take the bottom four quartiles of income to third world levels in the near term. They don't seem to be satisfied with that. Are you? The choices that have been offered don't seem to be eliminating the problem. Your candidates must not have won or they didn't fix things? Solution? MOTS (More of the same?)

[-] 0 points by Kickinthenuts (212) 13 years ago

How would you have any idea that you've done anything more times and longer than me? I still don't get ows. How will you change anything by camping in parks. The way to change is to motivate more of the population to vote. Vote them all out. Simply put, the vast majority of the so called 99% don't vote. When politicians fear for their elected positions, you'll see change. Camping in the parks with no leadership or ability to state an agenda does not not make them fearful. It does disrupt small business and folks who are trying to earn an honest living.

[-] 1 points by brightonsage (4494) 13 years ago

Strike the answers as unresponsive to the questions, My conclusions are unchallenged by any facts and are therefore considered to be correct. Those who can, do. And those who can't, give questionable advice to those they don't agree with while they continue to deal with the reality that they live with daily.

The futility of your approach is easily measured and is a generally accepted fact. Name anyone whom you have voted for that advocated a solution for the issues that the 99% face, that you aren't so sure exist, that had they won, would have solved them..

[-] 0 points by Kickinthenuts (212) 13 years ago

Ah, but wait. You've not answered the original question, therefore my conclusions are unchallenged. What is the 99% you reference? You and ows are certainly not representative of me nor anyone I know. So, stop acting and speaking as if you represent some majority of Americans.

[-] 1 points by brightonsage (4494) 13 years ago

Mr. Obtuse, the 99% is the percentage of the total annual income which you know. Surveys show that the majority of the 99% are concerned by the income disparity and it's causes but even more concerned by the disparity in the representation given to the 1% by those who claim to and are employed to represent (actions related to responsibilities) us.

Occupy is representative of the 99% in a demographic sense, (age, sex, education, income etc.) You are commenting on the wrong term, and deliberately so. In fact, according to some surveys of the Occupy movement, they are representative of the 99% (and I am as representative of the 99% anyone else). But I, nor nor anyone else,do not represents them (or you for that matter) as a spokes person. And I don't recall anyone claiming to represent them or you. Doubt you could afford that sort of representation in any case. It is also clear that you are wasting our time. I think the TEA party would be more your style.

[-] 0 points by Kickinthenuts (212) 13 years ago

Huh??? If you don't represent me or anybody else, but are representative of the 99% who do you represent? Sounds like the 1%. As I suspected you don't know who you are or what want.

[-] 1 points by brightonsage (4494) 13 years ago

I represent myself and I don't misrepresent myself. I have been the 1% and the 99%. I have made 1%ers and 99%ers. I am representative of you, since you are among the 99% but hate to admit it, and not the 1%, for which you are tempted to apologize and to try ingratiate yourself. They don't really want you or anyone else to join their club.

STIRRING THE POT DOES LITTLE TO WARM THE SOUP and EVEN LESS TO SHED LIGHT. Your contribution to both groups is but thin gruel and is easily seen through.

[-] 0 points by Kickinthenuts (212) 13 years ago

Double huh? The way you talk in circles you must be congressman pretending to care about ows. Wow, I'll bet you never lose a debate because nobody know the subject or what you are saying. BTW, your caps didn't provide any clarification.

[-] 0 points by fuzzyp (302) 13 years ago

99% of the 38% of i-don't-know-what-the-fuck

[-] 0 points by BillyD (6) 13 years ago

99% is a big lie. OWS represents nothing but laziness, whining and poor hygiene.

They are a product of failed liberal education.

[-] 1 points by brightonsage (4494) 13 years ago

Finding comfort in willful ignorance.....

