Forum Post: 99% getting big, but could have much more support
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 12:10 p.m. EST by ddexter08
from Knoxville, TN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
(This is not an official list of demands)
I believe that the masses of the United States would love to participate in this movement but without a clear objective our progress seems supremely limited. Imagine the progress we could make with a clear objective.... remove big business from government! That is the source of economic inequality and corporate monsters running the USA today!
Having this unified front would make it so much easier to explain to people our purpose and drive! ... IMAGINE the impact we would have to see a televised event of a worker of the man, such a police officer realizing what THEY are fighting against.... they are the 99% as much as any of us...and stop fighting against but for major change in this corrupt system. With a clear message we can help explain and fortify our argument in the people.
Our cherished Constitution... has become a joke to big business and more regretfully our very own government. We can't let this continue, we the 99%, the citizens of the United States of America need to take a unified and formal position to get something done. How long are you willing to sit in the cold declaring change without results?
Maybe if you could wade through all the other bullshit, and make it about the corruption in government, and how their bought out by big corporations, maybe people will listen...
The protests are all over the place and will fizzle out. Please do this right, and don't fuck it up for the rest of us.
Please clarify.
What I'm trying to say is many of the people I talk to are not participating simply because sitting a park saying "Change!" is not going to provoke much action. The general response I receive is "They're not doing anything anyway why should I." And that is rather disheartening. Especially since it seems that we are in this predicament partially because of that attitude.
You are hearing "clear Objective" from the media. Try and think about OWS, and remove the media bull from your mind. Democracy is messy, it takes time for all voices to be heard. I think if I hear "clear objective", or "this is what the American people want" expressed constantly by those running for President, or Congress members, I will scream. That is my right.
And I will SCREAM along with you, as I heartily concur!
Thank you.