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Forum Post: 99% Bank and Trust

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 6, 2011, 11:14 p.m. EST by TeBrun (22)
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The only way to bring down Wall Street is to beat them at their own game. We should start a non profit bank and funnel the money back down to the people.



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[-] 1 points by TeBrun (22) 13 years ago

Yes! We have the numbers to make this work. It could be a safety net that could save many people's lives after the inevitable Wall Street crash.

We need a nonprofit option to both banking and healthcare. But in order to bring balance to the current economy the only way to do it is to pull our money out and create a solid leg to prop up the middle class.

[-] 1 points by Faithntruth (997) 13 years ago

A non profit national health plan, too, since the gov is so scared of it. If health insurance was not profitable, there would be no insurance companies selling it. Therefore a non profit could be a viable alternative. Especially if you offer things regular companies don't to be competitive. For example, a person who dies in an accident and paid in would get funds for burial/cremation. Or if they left the group they and the company who paid into the insurance would get 10% of any their unused funds back. When you remove profit, you can be fair and treat the customer well. Employee pay would be fair, recognizing things like experience or higher education, but NO super pay or bonuses for anyone. Savings could be channeled into better vacation allowances, and an allowance for continuing education.