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Forum Post: 99%

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 6:30 a.m. EST by 722442457 (11)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

1% of the worlds population are controlling the minds of the remaining 99%. Turn off your TV Start to think. If your lucky you should get to spend about 70 years on this amazing planet. You probably dont know where you are living in a world made for you by someone else, for their pleasure and profit. They dont want you to think they dont want you to realize that your just a slave for their world. You have a mind use it Peace and love to you all



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[-] 1 points by 5thelement (27) 13 years ago

Right on. It's time for the gen pop to wake up. The battle is for our minds, and always has been. Peace!

[-] 1 points by bonnieootz (3) from Anderson, SC 13 years ago

You are so right! CNN and The NY Times, etc. will numb your mind convincing you that their news is all the news. Wrong! www.alternet.org seems like a very good news source.