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Forum Post: 951 cities around the world are going to hold Occupy protests

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 6:43 a.m. EST by Wander (9)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

First time in history a global movement has ever done anything like this. Some suggestions, for what they're worth- You can take down this freak show where it'll hurt most:




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[-] 1 points by mbss (35) from Glasgow, Skottland 13 years ago

Taking down the "freak show", realistically speaking, will HURT a lot, but can be done.

  1. Don't use a credit card if you don't have money in the bank to pay for the expense.
  2. Don't buy a house if you can't pay 90% and take a loan of less than 5 years.
  3. Don't rent an apartment with longer than a 2 year lease.
  4. Consider joint purchases of property (ok sounds like the old hippie commune, but it can be smart and effective joint partnership work too and economically sound!)
  5. Take pride in work that didn't require a college degree. Self-esteem, ethics, talent, and a contribution through service and trade is more important to a society than a university degree.
  6. Learn mathematics as though it were the foreign language that it is. We can't battle wall street without understanding and effectively arguing the nonsense of economics.
  7. Do NOT buy carbon off-sets; do not hedge; do not buy penny stocks--in fact, consider not buying stocks at all. Sell off portfolios.
  8. Consider creating local power stations and take your home and community off "grid" and commodity reliance.
  9. Do not buy bottled water and prevent water from becoming commoditized and traded.
  10. Sounds funny, but is serious, buy/raise/share/barter chickens, hens, a cow and plant a garden--and share produce locally.

Somehow, I think we can maintain aspects of big business in terms of innovation, creativity, and technological advancement, but we really have to think hard about what "advancement" means and how to pay for it!

These are just a few starters. Comments!

[-] 1 points by Wander (9) 13 years ago

Nothing wrong with that lot. Self defence and alternatives, definitely more options and more choices. "Business" has to mean more than nutcases, greed and egos.

[-] 1 points by mbss (35) from Glasgow, Skottland 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by AN0NYM0US (640) 13 years ago

That article had great suggestions!

[-] 1 points by Wander (9) 13 years ago

Glad you liked them. I say keep hitting this rotting carcass until it falls over, anyway possible, 24/7/365.