Forum Post: 85% of the 99% are Christian Terrorist
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 11:45 a.m. EST by bangbang
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Right Wing Christians and Catholics are using this movement to over throw the government to make it into a Christian dictatorship. You are being tricked.
oh no guise he figured it out!!!!!!
It's spelled theorist! Geez
I'm an outspoken atheist and I know this post is bullshit. I will gladly stand beside fundamentalists, evangelicals, Mormons, and Muslims if it means we get real reform. The more people that join, regardless of their beliefs and ideologies, the more it means that we can get attention focused on eliminating corruption in our government.
You are bull shit you lying Right Wing Christian Terrorist, the Christians in the government are the ones who are corrupt in the governments. Using Jesus to hid behind as a front for their evil deeds while they get rich.
pst.. don't encourage the loons.
Notice that on all the money we have that comes from evil banks it says "In God We Trust"? Im pretty sure America is founded on Christian principals.
The world bankers run America and the world and they pay off the Pope and who ever is willing to sell their soul to do things their way for them in the world. As long as the Evil Pope goes along with the evil top world bankers he lives, follow the money to the very top and you might see it.
Wow. I bet you have a masters..,, do you?
I am a Christian. I love our country and have no desire to overthrow anything. But I do love justice.
Well ... nice ... :D I am from Germany, so i do have a different point on Religion then most Americans. but one observation i'd like to share. In the USA Religion was never part of an oppressive System like in Europe. On many occasions, " religious fever" was a progressiv movment in the USA Abolition eg. or the civil rights movment! Therefore it seems to me that here, in the US it might be a good idea to include faith in the movement against Wall Street! God dose not belong to Perry or Bachman ... they like to think that, but it is not true!
Must be time for you crazy madmen Nazi Catholic Christians to over throw the world again you Jew killers, homosexual murderers, gypsy concentration camp nut jobs.
Uhhhhhh ... nice ... this is really getting somewhere! First ... the Nazis were not Catholic ... they were no Christians at all! As a matter of fact they were not even religious, except you consider national socialism a religion ... and this argument could be made. Second ... i consider it quit insulting to link me because of my country of birth with the Nazi Party! Quite frankly ... you should educate yourself, what you are talking about! Third ... i wouldn't mind to include Jews, Moslem's, Hindu, Buddhist or you name it!
Catholics are Nazi, check your history
actually ... the resentment and resistance against the Nazis in Germany was much stronger among catholics than protestants! If you want to talk historical facts ... just in case ... but i don't think so;-)
Ahhh nice pictures ... but you are missing the context! It iis true, that the nazis tried to reach a truth with the official state church and the Vatican ... one of the reassons for doing that was, that in the predominantly catholik south west of germany, and Germany is divided to this day in a catholic south and protestant north, the support for the nazis was overall relatively weak. One reason for this was, that the catholics resented the occult aspects of the nazi movement. But who am i talking to ... it seems you made up your mind anyhow ... so keep it up ... it is in a way entertaining :-D
Try reading about authoritarian personality. They only make up about 35% of the population yet they are the ones with the loudest voices and most cohesiveness, because it is part of their very make up. That cohesiveness is why they make an impact at all, and their tendency toward loyalty allows them to be manipulated. This movement, by its very organic nature, is probably a source of great stress to them. Given this, they might infiltrate to try to divide and conquer, but they are not able to overtake it, and certainly did not initiate it.
A link to a free book that explains this with humor even in the footnotes. A great read that is well worth the time!
ok i'll make sure i watch out for that one
HAHAHA....Holy Shit! A creative troll....hahahahhaa
The joke is on you fool.
It probably is but it was still a funny post. HAHAHA