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Forum Post: 85 Fat Cats Own More than 3 Billion Peons ~ Class War Still Raging!

Posted 11 years ago on Jan. 22, 2014, 8:51 a.m. EST by WSmith (2698) from Cornelius, OR
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The World’s 85 Richest Are Now Worth as Much as 3.5 Billion Poorest

The poorest half of the world’s population—that’s 3.5 billion people—control as much wealth as the richest 85 individuals.

On the eve of World Economic Forum, when the global elite gather in Davos, Switzerland, to forecast international trends, Oxfam International has released a new report, Working for the Few, (PDF) documenting yawning global wealth disparities. Other findings:

• The world’s richest 1 percent control almost 50 percent of global wealth.
• In 24 out of 26 countries studied, the richest 1 percent has increased their share of national wealth since 1980.
• Only three in 10 people live in countries where economic inequality has not increased over the past three decades.
• In the U.S., 95 percent of post-financial-crash wealth generated (i.e., since 2009) went into the bank accounts of the richest 1 percent.
• Nine in 10 people in the U.S. control less wealth in real terms than they did before the financial crash.

Video: Li Ka-Shing Tops List of Asia's Richest

Quoting former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis—“We may have democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of the few, but we cannot have both”—the report argues that further concentration of wealth and power “presents a significant threat to inclusive political and economic systems.” The upshot could be “heightening social tensions and increasing the risk of societal breakdown.”

That sounds bleak indeed. For a somewhat more optimistic take on the trajectory of the world’s poorest, a reader might turn to Bloomberg Businessweek contributor Charles Kenny’s book Getting Better, or regular dispatches on where and how global development actually is succeeding.

Video: Adelson: Lessons From One of the World's Richest

A Study In Inequality: The Worlds 85 Richest Individuals Now Own More Than The 3.5 Billion Poorest People On Earth

Read more: http://www.randirhodes.com/articles/homework-364336/randis-homework-tue-jan-21-2014-11990918/#ixzz2r8OpZWb0



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[-] 3 points by RadicalsUnite (94) 11 years ago

wealth power most of the time but who is the most powerful person on the planet?

[-] 0 points by WSmith (2698) from Cornelius, OR 11 years ago

The nameless, faceless Power Elite.

[-] 1 points by RadicalsUnite (94) 11 years ago

how do we attack the faceless, putting names and faces on attacks is effective when distance, no reference of names is effective when face to face in debates, why we always hear - my opponent and not a name.

[-] 2 points by elf3 (4203) 11 years ago

Can we wage class war now? - seems the wealthy already did - so can we at least fight back?

.. so you drive a $90,000 vehicle, hit a delivery man (after which flipping him the finger as you peel away) for he dared to use a city crosswalk to get from one side to the other and might have slowed the dush down for 3 whole seconds... Yes this sob got away with it too because said delivery man (my husband) wasn't able to get a plate number while diving on the ground to spare the other knee. Also it's like ten below zero out and he has been running around outside to get those Zappos to your door as fast as possible...

Why you ask would someone do this - Well because these rich dushy people don't care... they don't care about heart or hard work or decency - their attitude is "FUCK YOU... Suckers!" - you're never going to get through to them, you're never going to change the mentality of "fuck you suckers" - and in fact to justify this even further they have to go out of their way to make the working man (or fill/ substitute in Immigrant, or third world occupant) the bad guy - deserving of fuck you sucker - "they label him the loser, the imp who has no ambition". It's also generational - the union my husband belongs to doesn't give a rat's ass if he is out in the cold for 14 hours making 10 bucks an hour while the older route drivers (the ones who have an entirely different contract - get to go home at a decent hour while he finishes their 3 of their routes) and you know what the older driver's say about that? "Fuck you sucker I got a better contract deal with it" ... if we don't start calling this war what it is and calling out the older generation for their greed and pompous proclivity for acting as though they are somehow in the realm of Zeus while young people are just the mortal peons... then we're not going to get anywhere, just more of the same "fuck you suckers" until their kids begin their own even worse version of it" Maybe by that time they'll even bring back indentured servitude - hey, you know what "Fuck you Suckers" keep tip-toeing around class and generational warfare while they laugh at your passion and heart and throw another shovel full of shit on your struggles and phht hard work "hard work is for suckers - loser". "who gives a shit if you get a union, or the America I got to live in for that matter... I got mine, my kids will get the rest - that's all that matters."

They net billions a year every year and every one of their workers despises them... and what do they and their CEO say about that - "Fuck you Suckers - phht - losers" 'crack' Have they ever thought what would happen if they didn't wage war on their workers...oh yes the construct of a corporation does not allow for that (just keep comparing the economy to a tide that God created sure we're all buying that still) - the construct of a corporation does not allow for decency or appreciation ...you rich dushy CEO's just happen to agree. And most of us who don't own stocks or pray to our golden umbrella stand each morning...happen to agree that corporations aren't God either.

God didn't create the economy - rich suckholes did - where is the "SHAME"? Maybe we should start creating some stuff of our own!!!? It starts on a local level.

culture fact: In New Zealand $90,000 cars often get keyed or their owners get yelled at - they frown on people flaunting their excessive wealth there...in honor of the working man (and woman) hmm and their government doesn't allow gmo's perhaps acting on a local level bleeds into the larger picture and the voice of the people can get heard above the corporate roar.

[-] 0 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 11 years ago

Suckers!" - you're never going to get through to them, you're never going to change the mentality of "fuck you suckers

[-] 1 points by WSmith (2698) from Cornelius, OR 11 years ago

America’s Entitlement Society – Populated by Corporate


In West Virginia, after a cavalier chemical company poisoned the drinking water of 300,000 people [2], the corporate-hugging, right-wing extremist group Americans for the Prosperous congratulated itself for doling out bottled water one day.

“What better way to help people than to give them water?” said Wendy McCuskey, a member of Americans for the Prosperous (aka Americans for Prosperity).

[-] 0 points by WSmith (2698) from Cornelius, OR 11 years ago

Economic Mobility Hasn't Changed In A Half-Century In America, Economists Declare

Census Bureau: Since 1967, U.S. Household Income Inequality Has Actually Grown 18 Percent

Another Hit To The Poor: Price Of Stamps Increases By 3 Cents This Sunday

'Shark Tank' Millionaire Kevin O'leary Says America's Wealth Gap Is A Good Thing

Miserable Rich Kids

Johnson And Johnson Family Curse

Alice Walton DUI Again Dropped

Heir To The Woolworth Fortune Commits Suicide

The Heiress Who Blew The Woolworth's Billions On Vodka Breakfasts, Seven Husbands And Jewels Galore

OXFAM INEQUALITY STATS: Rigged Rules Mean Economic Growth Increasingly "Winner Takes All" For Rich Elites All Over World

Inside The Obscene Life Of The Super Rich

Fined Billions, JPMorgan Chase To Give CEO Jamie Dimon A Raise

Right-Wing Filmmaker, Philanthropist Dinesh D'souza Indicted For Illegal Campaign Contributions

The Real Reason Actor Jonah Hill Did 'Wolf Of Wall Street' For Only $60000

Read more: http://www.randirhodes.com/articles/homework-364336/randis-homework-fri-jan-24-2014-12003296/#ixzz2rbVCAetu

[-] 0 points by WSmith (2698) from Cornelius, OR 11 years ago

Life More: Wealthy Fortune Rolling Stone Features Horribly Abused Teenage Twins Could Inherit The Duke Tobacco Fortune

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-poorest-rich-kids-rolling-stone-2013-8#ixzz2rbV00Z16

[-] 0 points by WSmith (2698) from Cornelius, OR 11 years ago

THIS IS RICH: ‘Shark Tank’ host Kevin O’Leary on extreme income inequality: ‘It’s fantastic’ [Hell has a special place for him!]

The heiress who blew the Woolworth's billions on vodka breakfasts, seven husbands and jewels galore

[-] 0 points by WSmith (2698) from Cornelius, OR 11 years ago

Rigged rules mean economic growth increasingly “winner takes all” for rich elites all over world