Forum Post: 75% of our problems would be solved - If we shut down FOX NEWS
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 26, 2011, 1:30 p.m. EST by poorexiles
from Bellingham, WA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Fox News spreads deceit, misinformation and promotes an agenda that does not benefit all Americans, but rather a country where the poor scrape by to ensure the rich stay rich.
If we lived in a monarchy from the middle ages, Fox News would be the equivalent of the mouth of the King spreading propaganda to convince the peasants they should be happy to give their gold to such a perfect being.
A more current metaphor is the media tool of Kim Jong Il Where there is a easily made comparison to the unbelievable crap that comes out of that media and the misrepresentations that are put forth by FOX.
Our country will not be able to overcome prejudices and bigotry until this machine, absent of moral integrity, is shut down. It represents the biggest challenge to overcoming the oppression of our society, and the ignorance Fox News promotes must stop.
The first step to awareness is removing the obstacles that blind you to the truth.As a society we will remain partially blind until the darkness that is Fox news is illuminated, So that even the most innocent of us all is able to see with clarity that a happier world can only exist without Fox News.
Please post suggestions on how to get Fox off the air.
Just fox?
CNN is just as bad. They're both mouthpieces for the 1%. They just like to play good media vs bad media for the gullible.
here! here!
I suggest we occupy advertisers of fox, make it clear to them that they should not sell their products through a medium of hate. Convince them to require a higher standard of media. It worked to get rid of Beck.
fox news causes 75% of the problems really?You people need to get a clue about the problems we face as a nation if you belive fox is at fault for 75% of it.
So OWS turns against free speech and press... and people wonder why we aren't being taken seriously, where even the President, who first voiced support to our movement, has distanced himself.
Perhaps we should police ourselves first, before we take on anything more :(
If you talk to any single American, and mention Fox News, they will acknowledge that FOX misrepresents the truth as a standard. Even the sheep that watch FOX news know this, but they let it pass because they are complacent in the deceit. I do not understand how Fox is allowed by the FCC to continue, when there is a consensus that it is a corrupt institution. Maybe the government agency we really need to get rid of is not, the dept. of agriculture, or even the EPA, but the FCC. If you are not going to do your job, why do we need you?
You can post a complaint with the FCC here -
Both sides do the same thing. If you are pro-democrat you will not see it because you agree with it, even if it is a lie. If you are pro-republican you will not see it because you agree with it, even if it is a lie. We need to take both parties down to the level where they belong. Minority political factions.
lol, you try to shut Fox down, you give them more news!
FOX NEWS is nothing more than the voice of the 1% filtered through Rupert! It amazes me how many middle income citizens actually religiously hang on every word that is broadcast on FOX or Limbaugh and accept it as gospel. All in the name of Party Loyalty!
We are divided in this country, and that is exactly what the 1% want... dividing us and continuing to conquer us through party affiliation.
HAHAHAHHAHAH, Fox News is the biggest obstacle of the OWS? Ever consider the fact that your message and tactics employed by the OWS oppose the vast majority of the so called 99%!
I'm guessing that you heard that on FOX. Tsk!
Fox is our friend. Hopefully, they will remain so even after the regime change in 2012.
89% of statistics are made up without proof.
Don't you think it is hypocritical of saying let silence because they are "A more current metaphor is the media tool of Kim Jong Il." I mean I know your stupid and the hipocrisy of this will not stand out, but I am always cracking up about how stupid liberals really are. You call the right facist, laughable.