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Forum Post: 7 Limbaugh Advertisers Bail After 'Slut' Comments

Posted 13 years ago on March 5, 2012, 2:19 a.m. EST by infonomics (393)
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7 Limbaugh Advertisers Bail After 'Slut' Comments

Rushing to Leave - Huffington Post Garners 18,800 Comments

Nice work OWS!

Ding dong the wicked witch (Rush) is melting.


If you visit Rush's site now (Monday 5, 8:00am), you will note these two things:

  • A written apology, and

  • A missing advertisement on the top left corner (previously used by LearCapital [precious metal investors]).

===========Update 2===============

With the exclusion of his coffee mugs, caps and t-shirts--the sine qua non for conservative survival--Rush (or EIB, Excellence in Broadcasting) has no advertising on his front page, probably a damage control tactic of disassociation with the advertisers until the storm passes.

===========Update 3: Damage Control Continues===============

Rush writes on his site: Everything is fine on the business side. Everything's cool. There is not a thing to worry about. What you're seeing on television about this program and sponsors and advertisers is just incorrect.



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[-] 4 points by SmeggitySpooge (78) 13 years ago

Those particular advertisers were sluts anyhow.

[-] 0 points by ThaRapist (-17) 13 years ago

All women are sluts anyhow.

[-] 1 points by SmeggitySpooge (78) 13 years ago

I think the ones that don't give it up are closet sluts.

[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 13 years ago

People! vote this asshole closed. Hit dislike and sensor the POS.

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

FU .... what IS WRONG w/ u people ?

[+] -5 points by HoarFriday (27) 13 years ago

I was born a slut, will always be a slut and will die a slut.

[-] 3 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

to All you All calling women sl*ts ... FUCK U ... what IS WRONG w/ u people ?

Is this the NEW Republican Hateful shit ?????????

[-] 3 points by Progression (143) 13 years ago

Good bye Rush.

[-] 3 points by DayumShame (148) 13 years ago

I don't get it, girls call themselves "sluts" in SlutWalk... maybe I'm just jaded.

[-] 5 points by ShubeLMorgan2 (1088) from New York, NY 13 years ago

El Drugaddicto Limbozo called her a prostitute and demanded that she provide him with free sex tapes. Not once but at least twice on different days. On the publicly owned airwaves all over the country and beamed out to service members all over the world. I do hope she has legal grounds to sue this Limbozo dude for lots of money and that his weasel word "apology" doesn't save his greasy bacon.

[+] -6 points by Perspective (-243) 13 years ago

And I bet you called Sarah Palin everything but a lady. You see you want so censor Free Speech when it doesn't agree with your view point. hey if you want to believe the left wing bullshit that's fine but don't push your fucking viewpoint on me and try to silence my viewpoint because "YOU" think I'm wrong!! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO TELL ME WHAT I SHOULD BELIEVE? Fuck that! The SLUT was a 30 yr old birth control activist who enrolled at Georgetown specifically to raise hell about the issue. Oh,and by the way,if she was having sex almost 3 times a day,every day,365 days a year and it wasn't with the same guy she was a SLUT.

[-] 1 points by ShubeLMorgan2 (1088) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I wouldn't want to order you to believe anything. I'm not a lawyer so I don't know if Ms. Fluke has a case against your drug addled hero Limbozo but I sure hope she does.

[-] 0 points by Perspective (-243) 13 years ago

Typical left,personal attacks because you have no valid basis for your beliefs. SAD

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

paid her no mind

[-] -2 points by Perspective (-243) 13 years ago

Umm,my comment was to Shube but if the shoe fits?

[+] -7 points by Perspective (-243) 13 years ago

Oh yeah,publicly owned airwaves? I know they like to pretend but HOW THE FUCK DO YOU OWN THE AIRWAVES? It's impossible,you can't. You can try to keep others from broadcasting on them but ownership is all relative.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

Steve Martin ‏ @SteveMartinToGo


Pulling my ads from Rush Limbaugh show for government financed, late-night condom home delivery.

[-] 2 points by FreeDiscussion5 (12) 13 years ago

Love you Rush!!! I'm a Premium Member and can hear and watch you without a radio station. I hope they spend all their time trying to take you off radio so they will not have time to take yet more money out of my pockets.

[-] 2 points by HitGirl (2263) 13 years ago

Rush issued a rare apology, Saturday. Obvious damage control.

[-] -1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 13 years ago

It was a pretty backhanded apology nevertheless. I think the guy is through. I don't know if I ever knew of a more sick human being.

By the way, the young woman from Georgetown struck me as a very high-class lady.

[-] -1 points by HitGirl (2263) 13 years ago

I agree. And she wouldn't accept any personal calls from Rush. I think it is so cool that Obama called her.

[-] 1 points by bensdad (8977) 13 years ago

If you ever swallow poison and need to throw up quickly-
VISUALIZE rush & glenn mud wrestling

[-] 0 points by Carlitini99 (-167) 13 years ago

Liberals call conservative women much worse and OWS doesn't care.
the liberal double standard continues.

[-] 0 points by HitGirl (2263) 13 years ago

Here's the link to petition even more of his advertisers to bail...


[-] 0 points by Nevada1 (5843) 13 years ago

Good Post

[-] -1 points by Wondrous (37) 13 years ago

teehee...couldn't have happened to a nicer guy!

[-] -1 points by ogrdanny (73) from Grand Rapids Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

I'm not sure we can claim responsibility for this one. :)

[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 13 years ago

Of course you're not. You're here to say that nothing we do matters. Well guess what, the tried and true methods of confusing, slandering and disenheartening this movement are failing. So please go back to your outhouse and listen to talk radio, while you're engaged in your most meaningful activity.

[-] 1 points by ogrdanny (73) from Grand Rapids Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

...What I mean is that the pulling of advertisers likely wasn't a directly Occupy-driven event, but rather more likely other groups that have quickly pushed out the messages to their readership/subscribers regarding this and started petitioning for divestment, causing the advertisers to see the cost of having to defend the bullshit the man says not worth the public backlash.

[-] -2 points by GypsyKing (8708) 13 years ago

Many of those people are occupiers. But I'm sorry if I misinterpreted the meaning of you comment. It get's to be almost a knee-jerk reaction to so many who come here mearly to be discouraging.

[-] -2 points by uncensored (104) 13 years ago

In your case it was yet another jerk-off reaction.

[-] -1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 13 years ago

When people are fixated on phallic metaphors, I think their "thinking" can be quickly disregarded. Thanks for indentifying yourself as one of those people.

[-] -1 points by uncensored (104) 13 years ago

Don't try to put me in the same category as you.

[-] -1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 13 years ago

I said Knee-jerk, you said Jerk-off. Funny how you guys can't even read the very exchange you just engaged in. You're not worth one more word, from anyone on this forum.

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 13 years ago

This may be the only time I agree with"uncensored" I would not put the two of you in the same category, Gypsy. I think this is one way to look at it, here is something that every supporter of OWS that I read, or spoke to felt the same way about Rush's statements, and he has backed down, in that he said he was sorry that everyone misunderstood him (becuse we're so stupid) so whiether evry person who spoke out would identify with OWS or not, here we found common ground, and I think that is OWS.

[-] -2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

Here's the current list of who's left.


NOW has said they will continue to use their leverage to remove these too.

[-] -3 points by alexrai (851) 13 years ago

Those were some of the most ignorant comments I've heard in a long time, I would have expected more from Pat Robertson. :p

[-] 0 points by DumbDick (4) 13 years ago

Stop being such a hater

[+] -4 points by SteveKJR (-497) 13 years ago

Who cares - why is so much emphasis placed on this issue - is it because Limbaugh said it on public radio. I am sure there are a lot worse things said on public radio by the liberal media.

[+] -5 points by Carlitini99 (-167) 13 years ago

i wouldn't believe anything coming out right now. How many times has Rush's demise been reported in the past? At least the idiot left has taken some of the unwarranted pressure off the Koch brothers.

Blow-back...this idiot Fluke has put her dumb head into the hornets nest, i feel sorry for her.