Forum Post: 7 Days of Global Default and the Road to Peace
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 11:09 p.m. EST by suzencr
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
What would it take to get rid of the global parasites forever?
The answer could more simple than you think.
“Don’t give them what they want”.
Starve the Parasite and it will drop off the host. Starve the banking parasites until they can’t suck any more of your freedom, they will eventually be forced to give up and die, or in this case, they will have to leave or face prosecution, or worse. The host that the parasite is bleeding dry is the entire planet and the parasite of course is the psychopathic greed, corruption, fraud and lies of the banking cartels. So here is the idea that could solve the problem and peacefully kill the parasite for good.
For one week, the entire population of the world goes on strike. 7 Billion People on Strike for 7 days. 7 billion people in a meditation for Peace. Default and Meditate. Simple. Yes, it’s that simple. Buy some physical Silver or Gold, Stock up on food and water for a few weeks and take action.
Then, STOP buying their products, STOP propping up their corrupt governments with fraudulent bailouts, bailouts that are helping them create an increasing mountain of fake derivative debt that never existed. STOP the parasitic corporations who are destroying our planet for their own profit. Just STOP giving anything to their system.
Then and only then, will there will be any chance of freedom and peace on the earth. We can then begin again with a new perspective and a new global paradigm. A system of positive credit and meritocracy, positive development and the experience of equality and a vibrant natural connection to our planet (Gaia), the human race and indeed the universe. We can then become physically and spiritually at one with our planet, our universe and you can create our own timeline. (something the ruling elite of psychopaths don’t want you to know, they want you on their mind controlled timeline of a 1984 – Orwellian nightmare, NWO control grid). But we don’t want that. No more, we are all one and we are all equal and we are all infinite beings, spiritual beings who just lost that connection for a while.
This IS the time, to share this pure thought and peaceful meditation, to achieve the future we all want, without wars, without bloodshed, without fear, without depressions and without conflict. The time is now and the future belongs to us all. The mainstream media, the garbage they are feeding us on almost every one of their mainstream news channels is fake, fear mongering made up trash, shame on them, their pensions are gone also, they are perpetrators in the greatest crime on humanity. Meanwhile, the real enemy, the bloodsucking banking cartels are draining the system of your pension funds, your social security and your future, while they distract you with Wars, Wimbledon and Whisky.
There’s nothing to fear. The time is now, so Greece, Spain, Ireland, England, Italy, France, Thailand, China, Korea, Australia, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran,Tunisia, Russia, New Zealand, Africa, everyone on the planet……..time to take action, kick these bums out once and for all. This is our Gandhi moment.