Forum Post: 53%: We are not Occupy Wall Street. 47% do not pay any taxes.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 12:33 p.m. EST by daverao
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I am shocked 47 % do not pay taxes and now wants the rest pay more taxes. I am xOWS I think we have no solid arguments. We are throwing our responsiblities and blaming every thing on others.
Define your demands with how and why. You are like a kid who says I am not playing because I suck and I will not let other play.
I'm sorry, but you have been misinformed.
In 2009, 47% of American households paid no federal income taxes. But that doesn't mean they didn't pay any taxes. On the contrary, the vast majority of them paid payroll taxes, gas taxes, corporate taxes (on stocks they owned), etc. At most, 10% of American households paid no net federal taxes. And then there are various state and local taxes even most of those 10% had to pay (e.g. sales tax).
Please inform yourself. You can start by reading this:
Don't speak for me or my husband. We are in the 53%, have been most of our lives, and we support Occupy Wall Street 100%. We are not alone!
Speak for yourself only.
I don't want OWS speaking for me. I can't be behind something so in-cohesive, so disorganized, full of bigotry, Antisemitism. And this idea spawned from someone in Canada who hates America. Testing the waters to see if America is really ready for change. To see if we have the fortitude. OWS is lab rats to him.
I've been saying that we need to pull ourselves together for a while now, and this is what I've come up with: Overall vision for public policy:
Rationale for Section III: Possible project idea for Section VI:
Ideas for actual legislation for Sections VII and VII:
Possible strategy to get parts of this thing through:
Sorry for the links, but I haven't had time to draft this into a single document. In our defense, the occupation is necessary to draw attention to our cause and to pull together a wide base of people willing to work with us. However, most of the real potential for change, like it or not, is on Capitol Hill and Pennsylvania Avenue. If we miss out on the chance afforded us by the 2012 elections, we're all fools.
The other thing to consider is that we look a lot more obnoxious and disorganized than we are. That's because we haven't been able to deal with the few trolls and kooks who show up at these things, and those goddamn drummers are making the Wall Street location look like a bunch of assholes and the movement in general look like it can't manage its own people. Clean that up and it would probably get a lot easier to get people to support us.
It is largely people with incomes under 35K per year that are not liable for Federal income tax..
DO you think you can get blood out of a stone?
A income tax refund does not mean that you didn't pay any taxes because you did and the IRS is earning interest on it the entire year. For those small percentages that manage to get it all back on a return because of dependents still allowed the IRS to earn interest on money being taking out of their payroll checks.
Here's a real shocker for you: (hold on to your head as it might explode from the absorption of some facts) 1) The bottom 47% pay all kinds of taxes (sales, SSI, property, utilities, gas, phone, etc. etc.; also fees which are taxes and also inflation which is hidden tax); 2) if you mean income tax, (again, bandage your brain)--first off, you can not verify it and since I paid taxes for years and was in the 47%, I know this is bullshit. But get this: if the vast majority do not pay taxes, it is BECAUSE, again (protect yourself from digestion of facts), it is because they don't have the MONEY! OMG!! You forgot that part, right. Now, the richest 10%, earn, oh, I don't know, say 50% of all income and it maybe 80%. Ya think they might want to pony up a little more. Under a Republican President, the top tax rate was 91%. Under Kennedy, a Dem, this was reduced to, I believe, 50%. I know, I know. These poor millionaires and other suffering well off...have such horrible lives. With all their money, investments, possessions and luxurious lifestyles, life is hard for these soul-less zombies (there are exceptions...OMG, yes, there are always exceptions...ya got to stop your black/white Thinking, if we can call Thinking for the sake of argument. More to say, but let's see if you can digest this without simply resorting to banal dogma speaking more bullshit. Ex-OWS? Are you paying spousal support or wha?