Forum Post: 50 Cent supports #Occupy - "How fucked up that we have evidence that the big Banks have been corrupt, yet our governments aren’t punishing those that have stolen... Im fuckn angry."
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 30, 2011, 7:15 p.m. EST by jansberry
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They know a trip to the woodshed is in their imediate future. They know.
Nice advice to them who have been living corrupt lifes.
A houe of cards can not sustain any real weight.
is Fifty gonna rap about?
I agree. I think this will help get it done right:
Million People March to WDC to Reinstate Glass-Steagall Act. When? 6/16/12, 79th Anniv of G-S Act.
Why would I care what a celebrity thinks any more than anybody else? Please how about you post your own thoughts instead of shilling some blabbermouth celebrity who already gets plenty of attention without your assistance.
That's one thing I've never understood. Who really cares what celebrities think? Judging by the way many of them live, I certainly don't want their advice which is all pretty much party line anyway.
50 cent and Wall-street have much in common. Both are criminals and both have extremely expensive homes in new York. You guys really are sheep sometimes, open your damn eyes if you want people to take your seriously.
You know, 50 cent there don't have much room to talk with his history. Guess he forgot where he came from too, isn't he a big time one percenter?
Tell me how could 50 cent be in the 1%
Oh, you must still think he's a poor street thug. You mean he's not rich? He's only worth somewhere between 100-250 million (depending on source) so I guess he's like the other 99 percent?
I thought it was all about the money? 500K puts you in the top one percent and he's well above that. With his little rant, I wonder how much of his net worth he actually donates and to whom?
The Forbes 400 is the definitive list of wealth in America, profiling and ranking the country's richest citizens by their estimated net worths.
Oh, but it's still ok even though he's MUCH richer then alot of the people going to work everyday in front of your protest? Seriously, I want to know how it works. Al Gore is rich, but he must not be a one percenter while these people are? So, politicians, entertainers, and sports star don't count? How does it work? Who counts? Buffet is really rich, how about him? Bill Gates? How does your list work?
I don't give a hoot about how rich a person is. I want to rid my country of the corruption.
So, who are the corrupt people then? My first guess would be politicians. That would also be my second and third guesses.
Corruption generally comes with a bribe or reward and in the end some less fortunate person is going to get taken advantage of.
Again, who are they?
The corrupt people of the world are standing on every corner of the planet. Low and behold they may even be a few school teachers and church leaders.
No surprise there, but they'd also be among the 99 percent for the most part.
I think we are, we're the people that (well not some of you younguns) voted these politicians in to begin with, and KEEP voting for them expecting change that will never happen.
Well let us all hold hands and sing a song with the choir or we can just rap one together. How about we name the song NO EXCUSES NECSSARY WE'RE ALL CORRUPT
400 would be the in the .0001% range.
Out of a population of about 300 million in the US, 1% would be about 3 million people.
I don't give a hoot about how rich a person is. I want to rid my country of the corruption.
You were the one questioning that 50 was in the 1% and posting the Forbes list. lol
Just FYI the 1% would be anyone making over about $300K/yr. I think 50's got that covered just between a car and a few gold chains
Can you tell me what percentage of Americans are corrupt? Corruption generally comes with a bribe or reward and in the end some less fortunate person is going to get taken advantage of.
Don't know that corruption necessarily corresponds to any particular levels. There are plenty of corrupt poor folks who take advantage of other poor folks as well as rich who take advantage of rich (and vice versa).
It's all about greed and that's why a drug dealer will sell drugs to his own mother.
One percenters to be arrested: Pelosi, Biden, Reid, Obama, Michael Mooe, Al Gore, Oprah Winfrey, Alec Baldwin, Roseanne Barr, Hillary and Bill Clinton.
Get those arrest warrants out now.
Put em all in Gitmo.
While I don't have any use for anybody on your list, I think going all out commie on them is a bit much. I'd rather the voter get smart and vote them out, or for entertainers, quit supporting them, but it is a free country. I certainly won't support nary a one of them.
How corrupt is government?
Why haven't Obama, Biden, Pelosi and Reid been arrested for Solyndra?
Jansberry we're all angry since our corrupt government changed the laws for the banks to pull off their plan to make money in a good or bad economy. You see the banks are still haulin in the dough.