Forum Post: 5 tenets
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 5:57 p.m. EST by thurstongrdn
from Connellsville, PA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
1) break up monopolies. starting with the 6 largest banks that control 63% of the nation's gdp. anti-trust laws are more than applicable here. and the result would be lots of competition - which is what a healthy market craves - on paper at least.
2) fair tax - meaning that the 70% of corporations that pay nothing, and the 80% of the wealthiest 1% that pay highy reduced rates through loop-holes that no one else has access to would all start to pay their fair share.
3) universal healthcare - it will happen with or without the extremists in both parties. there is no way out of an equation that has healthcare costs increasing by 10% - 30% every year while wages increase an average of 1%. there simply is no other answer. it should be an option for anyone who wants it, and if they'd rather have private insurance - so be it. in most countries that have universal healthcare 15% to 20% opt out and buy their own insurance. it would save companies billions for employees to have a public option.
4) equal access to education. same formula as healthcare. soon only the top 1% will be able to afford anything but a public college or university. online access to a percentage of classes taught by the best teachers at the best schools would be a good start.
5) enforcement of environmental laws. i live in pittsburgh. most people who have never been to this fine city think it is covered in soot. not so. it is a beautiful, diverse and amazing place to live. many years were spent cleaning up the rivers and the air that were severely polluted by the various mills back in the 50's & 60's. but with the epa emasculated and anything the government does being framed as job killing, instead of - oh, i don't know, life saving? - we now have some of the worst air-quality in the country. again. ranked up there with los angeles and san obispo. not covered in soot, but lots and lots of ozone action days. how did that happen? no one enforces the regulations that are already on the books.
how clean is the nation's water? of the hundres of major fresh water tributaries at last count a grand total of 7 passed epa standards for pollution levels acceptable for drinking water. 7. great. thanks. good thinking. because it's not like you need water to live?
the epa needs more teeth. the government can be as much of a hazard as corporations. but part of the government's job is to regulate this stuff. no one will police themselves. and death rates trump short term unemployment rates. and if it really is the case that wealth creates jobs, and not the other way around, these companies will make zillions in the long run if the environment is clean, and the playing field is level. then they'll be able to reinvest in the country and hire lots of people. oh. well. ok. i guess that's never going to happen. but it would be nice to see the emphysema, lymphoma, autism and lung cancer rates go down for a change instead of sailing through the roof. just look up some history on autism rates over the last 50 years and decide if that shits is an act of god.
peace - many of us out here are with y'all. don't believe the hype, don't give up the fight. be well, stay cool. try not to get arrested. it ain't like tv man.